karel-brinda / NanoSim-H

NanoSim-H: a simulator of Oxford Nanopore reads; a fork of NanoSim.
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bioinformatics nanopore ngs read-simulation


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NanoSim-H is a simulator of Oxford Nanopore reads that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data, and allows for adjustments upon improvement of Nanopore sequencing technology. NanoSim-H has been derived from NanoSim <https://github.com/bcgsc/NanoSim>, a software package developed by Chen Yang at Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre <http://www.bcgsc.ca/>. The fork was created from version 1.0.1 and the versions of NanoSim-H and NanoSim are kept synchronized.

NanoSim-H is implemented using Python uses R for model fitting. In silico reads can be simulated from a given reference genome using nanosim-h. The NanoSim-H package is distributed with several precomputed error profiles, but additional profiles can be computed using the nanosim-h-train.

The main improvements compared to NanoSim are:

Quick example

Simulation of 100 reads from an E.coli genome.

.. code-block:: bash

pip install --upgrade nanosim-h
curl "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sviewer/viewer.fcgi?db=nuccore&dopt=fasta&val=545778205&sendto=on" | \
    nanosim-h -n 100 -


From BioConda <https://bioconda.github.io/>_ (recommended):

.. code-block:: bash

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda install -y nanosim-h

From PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/NanoSim-H/>_ :

.. code-block:: bash

pip install --upgrade nanosim-h

From Github:

.. code-block:: bash

git clone https://github.com/karel-brinda/nanosim-h
cd nanosim-h
pip install --upgrade .


.. code-block:: bash

git clone https://github.com/karel-brinda/nanosim-h
cd nanosim-h
python setup.py install


For read simulation:

For computing new error profiles:

When installed using Bioconda, all NanoSim-H dependencies get installed automatically. When installed using PIP, all dependencies for read simulation are installed automatically.

Read simulation

Simulation stage takes a reference genome and possibly a read profile as input, and outputs simulated reads in FASTA format. At this point, NanoSim-H supports uncompressed files only (no gzip).

.. command: nanosim-h --help

.. code-block::

$ nanosim-h --help
usage: nanosim-h [-h] [-v] [-p str] [-o str] [-n int] [-u float] [-m float]
                 [-i float] [-d float] [-s int] [--circular] [--perfect]
                 [--merge-contigs] [--rnf] [--rnf-add-cigar] [--max-len int]
                 [--min-len int] [--kmer-bias int]

Program:  NanoSim-H - a simulator of Oxford Nanopore reads.
Authors:  Chen Yang <cheny@bcgsc.ca> - author of the original software package (NanoSim)
          Karel Brinda <kbrinda@hsph.harvard.edu> - author of the NanoSim-H fork

positional arguments:
  <reference.fa>        reference genome (- for standard input)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -p str, --profile str
                        error profile - one of precomputed profiles
                        ('ecoli_R7.3', 'ecoli_R7', 'ecoli_R9_1D',
                        'ecoli_R9_2D', 'yeast', 'ecoli_UCSC1b') or own
                        directory with an error profile [ecoli_R9_2D]
  -o str, --out-pref str
                        prefix of output file [simulated]
  -n int, --number int  number of generated reads [10000]
  -u float, --unalign-rate float
                        rate of unaligned reads [detect from the error
  -m float, --mis-rate float
                        mismatch rate (weight tuning) [1.0]
  -i float, --ins-rate float
                        insertion rate (weight tuning) [1.0]
  -d float, --del-rate float
                        deletion rate (weight tuning) [1.0]
  -s int, --seed int    initial seed for the pseudorandom number generator (0
                        for random) [42]
  --circular            circular simulation (linear otherwise)
  --perfect             output perfect reads, no mutations
  --merge-contigs       merge contigs from the reference
  --rnf                 use RNF format for read names
  --rnf-add-cigar       add cigar to RNF names (not fully debugged, yet)
  --max-len int         maximum read length [inf]
  --min-len int         minimum read length [50]
  --kmer-bias int       prohibits homopolymers with length >= n bases in
                        output reads [6]

Examples: nanosim-h --circular ecoli_ref.fasta
          nanosim-h --circular --perfect ecoli_ref.fasta
          nanosim-h -p yeast --kmer-bias 0 yeast_ref.fasta

Notice: the use of `max-len` and `min-len` will affect the read length distributions. If
the range between `max-len` and `min-len` is too small, the program will run slowlier accordingly.

.. end


  1. If you want to simulate reads from E. coli genome, then circular mode should be used because it is a circular genome.

    nanosim-h --circular Ecoli_ref.fasta

  2. If you want to simulate only perfect reads, i.e. no SNPs, or indels, just simulate the read length distribution.

    nanosimh-h --circular --perfect Ecoli_ref.fasta

  3. If you want to simulate reads from a S. cerevisiae genome with no k-mer bias, then linear mode should be chosen because it is a linear genome.

    nanosimh-h -p yeast --kmer-bias 0 yeast_ref.fasta

Output files:

  1. simulated.log – Log file for simulation process.

  2. simulated.fa – FASTA file of simulated reads. Reads can contain information about how they were created either in RNF, or in the original NanoSim naming convention.

    **RNF naming convention**
    See the associated `RNF paper <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26353839/>`_ and `RNF specification <http://karel-brinda.github.io/rnf-spec/>`_.
    **NanoSim naming convention**

    Each reads has "unaligned", "aligned", or "perfect" in the header determining their error rate. "unaligned" means that the reads have an error rate over 90% and cannot be aligned. "aligned" reads have the same error rate as training reads. "perfect" reads have no errors.

    To explain the information in the header, we have two examples:

    • >ref|NC-001137|-[chromosome=V]_468529_unaligned_0_F_0_3236_0 All information before the first _ are chromosome information. 468529 is the start position and unaligned suggesting it should be unaligned to the reference. The first 0 is the sequence index. F represents a forward strand. 0_3236_0 means that sequence length extracted from the reference is 3236 bases.
    • >ref|NC-001143|-[chromosome=XI]_115406_aligned_16565_R_92_12710_2 This is an aligned read coming from chromosome XI at position 115406. 16565 is the sequence index. R represents a reverse complement strand. 92_12710_2 means that this read has 92-base head region (cannot be aligned), followed by 12710 bases of middle region, and then 2-base tail region.

    The information in the header can help users to locate the read easily.

  3. simulated.errors.txt – List of introduced errors.

    The output contains error type, position, original bases and current bases.

Error profiles

Characterization stage takes a reference and a training read set in FASTA format as input. User can also provide their own alignment file in MAF format.

Profiles distributed with NanoSim-H:

New error profiles:

A new error profile can be obtained using the nanosim-h-train command.

.. command: nanosim-h-train --help

.. code-block::

$ nanosim-h-train --help
usage: nanosim-h-train [-h] [-v] [-i str] [-m str] [-b int] [--no-model-fit]
                       <reference.fa> <profile.dir>

Program:  NanoSim-H-Train - compute an error profile for NanoSim-H.
Authors:  Chen Yang <cheny@bcgsc.ca> - author of the original software package (NanoSim)
          Karel Brinda <kbrinda@hsph.harvard.edu> - author of the NanoSim-H fork

positional arguments:
  <reference.fa>        reference genome of the training reads
  <profile.dir>         error profile dir

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -i str, --infile str  training ONT real reads, must be fasta files
  -m str, --maf str     user can provide their own alignment file, with maf
  -b int, --num-bins int
                        number of bins (for development) [20]
  --no-model-fit        no model fitting

.. end

Files associated with an error profile:

  1. aligned_length_ecdf – Length distribution of aligned regions on aligned reads.
  2. aligned_reads_ecdf – Length distribution of aligned reads.
  3. align_ratio – Empirical distribution of align ratio of each read.
  4. besthit.maf – The best alignment of each read based on length.
  5. match.hist, mis.hist, ins.hist, del.hist – Histograms of matches, mismatches, insertions, and deletions.
  6. first_match.hist – Histogram of the first match length of each alignment.
  7. error_markov_model – Markov model of error types.
  8. ht_ratio – Empirical distribution of the head region vs total unaligned region.
  9. training.maf – The output of LAST, alignment file in MAF format.
  10. match_markov_model – Markov model of the length of matches (stretches of correct base calls).
  11. model_profile – Fitted model for errors.
  12. processed.maf – A re-formatted MAF file for user-provided alignment file.
  13. unaligned_length_ecdf – Length distribution of unaligned reads


If you use NanoSim-H in your work, please cite both the original NanoSim paper <http://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/gix010> and the NanoSim-H Zenodo lineage <http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1341249>.

[1] Chen Yang, Justin Chu, René L Warren, Inanç Birol; NanoSim: nanopore sequence read simulator based on statistical characterization. Gigascience 2017 gix010. http://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/gix010

[2] Karel Břinda, Chen Yang. NanoSim-H (Version Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1341249