magento / magento2-phpstorm-plugin

PHPStorm Plugin for Magento 2
Open Software License 3.0
432 stars 101 forks source link
hacktoberfest intellij intellij-plugin java javascript jetbrains magento magento2 php phpstorm phpstorm-plugin requirejs

Magento Commerce

PhpStorm Magento 2 Plugin

Version Downloads Made With Love


  1. Go to Settings > Preferences in the PhpStorm IDE
  2. Navigate to Plugins
  3. Click the Browse repositories... button and search for "Magento PhpStorm"
  4. Install the plugin and restart PhpStorm
  5. Go to Settings > Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Frameworks > Magento in the PhpStorm IDE
  6. Check Enable and click the OK button

Works with


Setting up development environment

  1. Check out this repository
  2. Open a folder with the project in the IntelliJ Ultimate using the open action button.
  3. Make sure that you on the latest develop branch (e.g 5.3.0-develop)
  4. Right-click on the build.gradle file, choose "Import Gradle project" (if this is not exist look for "Build module ''") (you need to have Gradle plugin installed)
  5. Check if the right SDK version is used for the project.
    • Current Java version for the project is java 11, so you should additionally download SDK 11 and choose it in the module settings: Right click by the project root > Open Module Settings > Project Settings > Project > Project SDK
    • Check if right SDK version is used for the Gradle plugin: Intellij IDEA > Preferences... > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Gradle JVM and choose your JDK.
  6. When the Gradle sections appeared in the right bar, navigate there and right-click magento-2-php-storm-plugin > Tasks -> Intellij -> runIde
  7. Click Run "magento-2-php-storm-plugin" to run the plugin. You should see a new instance of IntelliJ launched with the plugin installed. Make sure the plugin is enabled in IntelliJ settings and indexing is finished. Plugin features should be accessible at this point.

How to contribute

1) Start with looking into Community Backlog. Any ticket in Ready for Development and Good First Issue columns are a good candidates to start. 2) Didn't satisfy your requirements? Create a new issue. It can be for example:

How to create SandBox for development

  1. Create sandbox folder
  2. Copy to sandbox folder composer.json and composer.lock
  3. In sandbox folder create app/code and vendor/magento
  4. Copy any of the magento modules (as for example: framework, module-catalog, module-checkout, module-customer, module-sales) into the vendor/magento folder. It is better to add as few modules as possible to reduce reindexing time during application running
  5. (Nice to have) Open IDE and go to Preferences > Editor > File and Code Templates > Includes tab and add default headers for PHP File Header and XML File Header

PHP File Header:

 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

XML File Header:

 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

Join the #phpstorm-plugin Slack channel to get more involved


Each Magento source file included in this distribution is licensed under OSL-3.0 license.

Please read the LICENSE.txt for the full text of the Open Software License v. 3.0 (OSL-3.0).