mlund / spheretree

Sphere-Tree Construction Toolkit (unofficial repository)
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bounding-volume-hierarchy coarse-graining collision-detection octree polygons


Copyright 2003 Image Synthesis Group, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. All Rights Reserved. Please read COPYRIGHT.TXT before using this software.


This software is designed for the construction of sphere-tree representations of polygonal models for use in interruptible collision detection algorithms. The software contains various algorithms for performing these constructions. As well as our own algorithms we have included our implementations of the OCTREE algorithm and HUBBARD's medial axis based algorithm. Detailed descriptions of all the algorithms contained in this software can be found in the following thesis:

Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Level-of-Detail Collision Handling Bradshaw G., Dept. of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, May 2002.

This thesis, example animations and the latest version of this distributution can be found at:


This software was written by Gareth Bradshaw as part of the above thesis. Any comments or queries can be directed to


The software implements the following algorithms:


The Octree algorithm is the simplest and fastest algorithm for the construction of sphere-trees. The first step of the algorithm is to construct a bounding cube that surrounds the object. This cube is then divided into 8 sub-cubes by splitting it along the X, Y and Z axes. The sub-cubes that are contained within the object are further sub-divided to create a set of children nodes. This sub-division can continue to an arbitrary depth. The nodes of the octree are finally used to construct a sphere-tree by creating a sphere that contains each of the "solid" nodes, i.e. nodes that represent part of the object. Our implementation of this algorithm is capable of creating either a shell of the object or a solid representation. When constructing a solid object the algorithm doesn't need to sub-divide any nodes that are completely contained within the object as areas inside the object don't need to be refined.


This algorithm is an extension to the Octree algorithm. Each set of children spheres is created by sub-dividing the parent node but the grid algorithm allows more freedom in the sub-division. Where the octree algorithm only ever produced a 222 division, the Grid algorithm can produce a grid of spheres with ANY dimensions as long as the number of spheres produced is within the specified maximum. The algorithm also optimises the orientation of the grid of spheres, and their size, so as to minimise the error in the approximation and to minimise the volume of each of the resulting regions.


Hubbard uses an approximation of the object's medial axis to construct sphere-trees. The medial axis is approximated using a set of spheres which are then used to construct the sphere-tree. This algorithm often produces tight fitting sphere-trees, certainly tighter than the Octree algorithm.


The merge algorithm is similar to the algorithm used by Hubbard. The set of spheres approximating the medial-axis is reduced down to the number required for the sphere-tree by successively merging pairs of spheres together. The merge algorithm uses the adaptive medial axis approximation algorithm to generate the initial set of spheres. It also considers the effects of merging pairs of spheres together that will actually improve regions of the approximation.


The burst algorithm is another medial axis based algorithm. It aims to improve upon the merge algorithm by better distributing the error across the resulting set of spheres. The algorithm iteratively reduces the set of spheres by bursting (removing) a sphere and using the surrounding sphere to fill in the gaps. This algorithm is typically well suited to constructing the top levels of sphere-trees but may not perform so well for the lower levels.


The expand algorithm takes a different approach to reducing the set of medial spheres. In order to reduce the worst error in the approximation, the algorithm tries to distribute the error evenly across the entire region. This is achieved by growing each of the spheres so that they all hang over the surface by the same amount and selecting a sub-set of the spheres that will cover the object. A search algorithm is needed to find the "stand-off distance" that will result in the desired number of spheres.


The spawn algorithm aims to produce similar results as the expand algorithm. Each set of spheres is produced by creating a set of spheres that hang over the surface by the same amount, thus distributing the error evenly across the approximation. Instead of using the object's medial axis for the construction, a local optimisation algorithm is used to generate the set of spheres. For each sphere in the set, the optimisation algorithm chooses the location that covers the most object, hence keeping the set of spheres small. A search algorithm is again used to find the "stand-off" distance that yields the required number of spheres.


The combined algorithm allows a number of different algorithms to be used in conjunction. For each set of spheres, the algorithm tries a number of the other algorithms and chooses the one that results in the lowest error. Any of the sphere reduction algorithms can be used in this algorithm, i.e. Grid, Merge, Burst, Expand and Spawn, however we typically only use Merge and Expand as these are usually produce the tightest approximations.


There are a number of different programs in this distribution. There is a Windows GUI based program that allows models to be viewed and sphere-trees to be constructed using the various algorithms. It also allows experimentation with the medial axis approximation algorithms, which are used by many of the sphere-tree construction algorithms. The distribution also contains a number of command line programs. These implement the algorithms in the same way as the GUI but allow for batch processing should you want to construct numerous sphere-trees. The command line programs should also compile on any UNIX like operating system that supports the use of "configure" scripts. See below for instructions on how to build the programs. The following command line programs are available:

This program makes sphere-trees using OUR improved medial axis approximation
algorithms.  There are three such algorithms available, MERGE, BURST and
EXPAND.  The program can use any combination of these algorithms and pick the
best one for each section of the sphere-tree construction process.  The
command line options are as follows:

  -depth              Depth of the sphere-tree

  -branch             Branching factor of sphere-tree

  -numCover           Number of sample points to cover object with

  -minCover           Minimum number of sample points per triangle

  -initSpheres        Initial number of spheres in medial axis approx.

  -minSpheres         Minimum number of spheres to create for each sub
                          region of the medial axis approximation.

  -erFact             Amount by which to reduce the error when refining
                          the medial axis approximation.

  -testerLevels       Controls the number of points to use to represent a
                          sphere when evaluating fit.  Use -1 for CONVEX
                          objects, 1 will generate 42 points and 2 will
                          generate 168 points.

  -optimise           Which optimisation algorithm to use, SIMPLEX just
                          rearranges the spheres to try improve fit, BALANCE
                          tries to throw away spheres that don't improve the

  -maxOptLevel        Maximum level of the sphere-tree to apply the optimiser.
                          0 does first set only - i.e. children of level 0.

  -balExcess          The amount of extra error the BALANCE algorithm is
                          allowed to introduce when throwing away error,
                          e.g. 0.05 allows a 5 percent increase in the error.

  -verify             Verify the model is suitable for use

  -nopause            Don't pause when processing, i.e. batch mode

  -eval               Evaluate the fit of the sphere-tree and append the info
                          to the end of the output file.

  -merge              Try the MERGE, BURST and EXPAND algorithms.  You can
  -burst              specify any number of these that you wish.

  makeTreeMedial  -branch 8 -depth 1 -testerLevels 2 -numCover 10000
                  -minCover 5 -initSpheres 1000 -minSpheres 200 -erFact 2
                  -nopause -expand -merge bunny-1500.obj

This program makes sphere-trees using OUR grid algorithm.  The command line
options are:

  -depth              Depth of the sphere-tree

  -nopause            Don't pause when processing, i.e. batch mode

  -numCover           Number of sample points to cover object with

  -minCover           Minimum number of sample points per triangle

  -testerLevels       Controls the number of points to use to represent a
                          sphere when evaluating fit.  Use -1 for CONVEX
                          objects, 1 will generate 42 points and 2 will
                          generate 168 points.

  -verify             Verify the model is suitable for use

  -nopause            Don't pause when processing, i.e. batch mode

  -eval               Evaluate the fit of the sphere-tree and append the info
                          to the end of the output file.

  makeTreeGrid  -branch 8 -depth 3 -testerLevels 2 -numCover 10000 -minCover 5
                -nopause  bunny-1500.obj


This program makes sphere-trees using OUR spawn algorithm.  The command line
options are the same as for makeTreeGrid above.

This program makes sphere-trees using the original OCTREE algorithm.  The
following command line options are available:

  -depth              Depth of the sphere-tree

  -nopause            Don't pause when processing, i.e. batch mode

This program makes sphere-trees using our implementation of Hubbard's
algorithm.  The algorithm constructs a static medial axis approximation
using a given number of sample points on the object.  Command line options
are as follows:

  -depth              Depth of the sphere-tree

  -branch             Branching factor of sphere-tree

  -numSamples         Number of sample points to cover object with

  -minSamples         Minimum number of sample points per triangle

  makeTreeHubbard  -branch 8 -depth 3 -numSamples 500 -minSamples 1
                   -nopause  bunny-1500.obj


All the sphere-tree construction programs are capable of loading both OBJ files and our own special format (.SUR). When we load the models we need to generate the neighbourhood information for the triangles, the SUR file stores this so that we don't need to compute it every time. The GUI program is able to export OBJ files as SUR. The format of the SUR file is as follows:

In order for the program to work properly, the models have the following restrictions : The model must be a completely closed surface free from self intersections. The -verify option can check if your model is valid.

The programs output the sphere-trees as an SPH file. This is our own file format and stores the sphere tree as a flat array. If the branching factor of the tree is B then the first child of node N will be located at N*B+1. Similarly the parent node N can be computed from the child number C as (C-1)/B. The SPH files are layed out as follows:


Unfortunately due to licensing issues we are unable to distribute all the files that are used to build the program. Some of the algorithms use other peoples code which is distributed with the program. However, the numerical recipes code is not allowed to be redistributed and so you have to find the following files yourself. An althernative might be to port the NR dependent code to use freely available code - if you do this i would be most interested in finding out. The following files are needed: complex.c complex.h nrutils.c nrutils.h svd.c svd.h (some of these can be downloaded for free from

The distribution also contains the following sources from other people:

gdiam  Copyright 2000 Sariel Har-Peled (
qHull  Copyright 1993, 1997, The Geometry Center
pcube  Copyright 1994 Don Hatch & Daniel Green
volInt Copyright 1995 by Brian Mirtich

Every effort has been made to ensure that we are not distributing copyrighted material. However, if you find that we are distributing something against its copyright policy please let us know and we will gladly rectify it.


The distribution contains workspace files for Microsoft Visual C++ v6. These files are located in the vc directory. The spheretree.dsw contains all the projects which can used to build the GUI and command line programs. The GUI program requires MFC and OpenGL to compile. The windows code is also capable of loading Rhino3D files using the RhinoIO API. Uncomment #define USE_RHINO_IO in surface.h to use this format (you may need to play around with the header and library locations). The GUI program also allows you to save images of the models etc. if you have ImageMagick. To use this uncomment #define USE_IMAGE_MAGICK in IMsupport.h (you'll definitely need to know what you are doing with the libraries and headers for this one). The EXE files for the programs will be put in the build folder under either debug or release.


To compile the programs in a UNIX-like environment simply go into the directory where you extracted the archive, run the configure script using ./configure and then build the programs using the command "make". The command line programs will be built in the "src" directory.


In case of modern usage. A Cmake version is provided by

cmake tools from cmake-template are utilized. Thanks to their fantastic works.

All rights are reserved by the original authors under the terms of the LICENSE.

Warning: Tested under Ubuntu 20.04, cmake 3.26


cd spheretree && mkdir build
cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


cd spheretree && mkdir build

Note: The purpose of enabling sanitizers in a project is to detect and debug various kinds of runtime errors and issues during program execution. Sanitizers are a set of tools provided by compilers (like GCC and Clang) that instrument the code to catch memory-related, threading, and other runtime bugs which may not be easily detectable during regular testing.

When ENABLE_SANITIZER is enabled, address, leak, undefined_behavior, memory are enabled. If users wanna sanitize thread, try to modify the CMAKELISTS.txt