This repository contains updates and details about monkeypox virus lineage designations. These lineages are meant to assist genomic epidemiology of monkeypox in humans and provide a fine-grained systematic nomenclature to refer to different circulating lineages. They do not imply any phenotypic differences. These lineages only apply to recent human cases and are distinct from broader clades of monkeypox viruses circulating in the animal reservoir I, IIa, and IIb, see Happi et al and the recent announcement by the WHO). The recent outbreak among humans originated from clade IIb.
New lineages are designated as more cases are sequenced and the outbreak gets more diverse. The criteria for lineage designation will evolve as the outbreak continues. Currently, we aim to designate a new lineage if it
Each new lineage is defined by a yaml
file according the schema.
For lineage B.1, for example, this looks like this
# yaml-language-server: $schema=../schemas/single_lineage/lineage_schema_1-0-0.yml
name: B.1
unaliased_name: A.1.1.1
parent: A.1.1
designation_date: "2022-06-10"
- pos: 77383
nucleotide: A
- source: genbank
accession: ON563414
isolate: MPXV_USA_2022_MA001
An automatically generated json
file which merges these yaml
designations can be found here, and a file with a key of the alias names can be found here.
A human readable summary of all designated lineages can be found here .
You can find markdown documents describing the rationale of lineage designation (including which lineages and why) in the "designation_records" folder.
To propose additional lineages, open a github issue in this repository.