Siage3D stands for SImple Android Game Engine.
So it's a game engine that is:
Please note that this engine is a work in progress. Though feedback is always welcome, it is neither feature-complete nor production ready yet (and it might never be).
In your build.gradle
, add the following repository (if not already present):
repositories {
And add the following dependency:
implementation "org.mrlem.siage3d:siage3d-core:0.2.0"
Create an activity for your game:
class Game : SceneActivity() {
override fun createSceneAdapter() = SceneAdapter(initialScene)
Declare it in your manifest:
<activity android:name=".Game">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Create the scene:
val initialScene = scene {
camera {
position(0f, 1.75f, 5f)
sky {
color(.6f, .8f, 1f)
directionLight("sun") {
diffuse(1f, 1f, 1f)
rotation(0f, 60f, 0f)
objectNode("my-cube", BoxShape()) {
material { texture(R.drawable.crate1_diffuse) }
position(0f, 1f, -2f)
Create the behaviour for our cube:
class RotatingBehaviour : Behaviour() {
private val spatialNode get() = node as? SpatialNode
private var time = 0f
override fun update(delta: Float) {
time += delta
spatialNode?.setRotation(0f, time * 50f, 0f)
And finally: create the scene adapter, that's where you bind the scene to the view, and where we will assign the cube its behaviour in this simple example:
class SceneAdapter(scene: Scene) : SceneAdapter(scene) {
private val cube = scene.get<ObjectNode>("my-cube")!!
init {
And voilà!
Want to know more? checkout the slightly more advanced sample!
GPLv3 see
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