nvuillam / vscode-groovy-lint

VSCode extension to lint , correct and format groovy and Jenkinsfile
MIT License
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code-quality-analyzer codenarc gradle groovy groovy-language jenkinsfile linter nextflow vscode vscode-extension

VsCode Groovy Lint, Format and Fix

Visual Studio Marketplace Version (including pre-releases) Visual Studio Marketplace Installs Test Mega-Linter License GitHub stars PRs Welcome

Lint (code quality), Format and Auto-fix your groovy files and Jenkinsfile

Visual Studio Code extension embedding npm-groovy-lint, itself embedding CodeNarc



Command Description Access
Analyze code Lint the code of the current file Ctrl+Shift+F9
Status bar
Format Format the code of the current file Shift+Alt+F
Fix all auto-fixable problems Fix the code of the current file Contextual
Lint folder Lint all applicable files of a folder Contextual
Fix single error Apply quick fix for a single problem Quick Fix
Fix rule in entire file Apply quick fix for all problems related to the same rule in the current file Quick Fix
Disable rule for this line Disable rule only for current line Quick Fix
Disable rule for this entire file Disable rule in the entire file Quick Fix
Disable rule for this entire project Updates configuration file
(usually .groovylintrc.js in root folder) to disable this rule
Quick Fix

Extension Settings

Parameter Description Default
groovyLint.enable Controls whether GroovyLint is enabled or not true
groovyLint.lint.trigger Run the linter on save (onSave), on type (onType) , or on user request onSave
groovyLint.format.enable Controls whether the groovy formatter is enabled or not true
groovyLint.fix.enable Run the auto-fixer on save (onSave), on type (onType) , or on user request true
groovyLint.fix.trigger Run the fixer on save (onSave), or on user request user
groovyLint.basic.loglevel Linting error level (error, warning,info) info
groovyLint.basic.verbose Turn on to have verbose logs false
groovyLint.basic.config NPM groovy lint configuration file .groovylintrc.json
groovyLint.debug.enable Display more logs in VsCode Output panel (select "GroovyLint") for issue investigation false
groovyLint.java.executable Override java executable to use
Example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin\java.exe
groovyLint.java.options Override java options to use "-Xms256m,-Xmx2048m"
groovyLint.insight.enable Allow to send anonymous usage statistics used only to improve the tool (we will of course never send your code) false
groovyLint.showProblemsView Show Problems View once after start false



Contributions are very welcome on :

Please follow Contribution instructions

Special Thanks

Release Notes

[3.1.0] 2023-12-17

[3.0.0] 2023-12-17

[2.0.0] 2022-08-13

[1.9.1] 2022-08-08

[1.9.0] 2022-04-12

[1.8.0] 2022-02-25

[1.7.5] 2022-01-26

[1.7.4] 2022-01-09

[1.7.3] 2022-01-06

[1.7.2] 2021-12-29

[1.7.1] 2021-12-24

[1.7.0] 2021-12-14

[1.6.0] 2021-11-27

[1.5.2] 2021-11-24

[1.5.1] 2021-11-23

[1.4.0] 2020-12-15

[1.3.0] 2020-11-15

[1.2.7] 2020-09-04

[1.2.6] 2020-09-02

[1.2.3] 2020-08-29

[1.2.2] 2020-08-21

[1.2.0] 2020-08-15

[1.1.1] 2020-08-11

[1.1.0] 2020-08-10


See complete CHANGELOG