osch / lua-lpugl

A minimal Lua-API for building GUIs using Cairo or OpenGL (see: https://github.com/osch/lua-lpugl#lpugl)
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gui lua lua-binding lua-gui lua-library luagl nanovg oocairo pugl


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LPugl is a minimal Lua-API for building GUIs. It is based on Pugl (PlUgin Graphics Library), a minimal portable API for embeddable GUIs.

LPugl provides only a very minimal API. See lwtk (Lua Widget Toolkit) for implementing GUI widgets on top of LPugl.

Like Pugl, LPugl does only have explicit context and no static data, so it's possible to have several instances within the same program and even within the same Lua main state. Therefore LPugl is especially suited for building GUIs for plugins or components within larger applications. For example see LDPF-Examples: here LPugl is used for the GUI of audio processing plugins with DPF (DISTRHO Plugin Framework).

Supported platforms:

Supported rendering backends:

Thanks to the modular architecture of Pugl, more rendering backends could be possible in the future. Different rendering backends can be combined in one application and also in the same window by embedding different view objects.

LuaRocks modules:

Further reading:

First Example