overdev / raylib-py

A Python binding for the great C library raylib.
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A python binding for the great C library raylib.

WARNING: This is a releases-only repository.

Please, read this issue for more information.

I intend to use this repository only to publish new raylib-py releases. The source in this repo is pretty much outdated and does not reflect the latest release.

Release Information:

The latest release published here was generated from another project, as mentioned in #45.

How to install:

From PyPI, in the CLI:

$ pip install raylib-py

You can also download the wheel from the releases page and install it with pip locally:

$ pip install path/to/raylib_py-5.0.0-py3-none-any.whl

How to use:

Try this (after installed raylib-py, create a new python file, save the code below into it, then run it):

from raylibpy import *

def main():

    init_window(800, 450, "raylib [core] example - basic window")


    while not window_should_close():

        draw_text("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY)


if __name__ == '__main__':

API Documentation

Please refer to DOCS.md for v5.0.0b1



Would you like to have a more customized binding for raylib?

Again, in issue 45 I explain the actual state of this project in more detail.

It my seems like bad news but actually it is the contrary.

Please, take a look at this project: raylibpyctbg