Flash Attention ESM (FAESM) is an efficient PyTorch implementation of the Evolutionary Scale Modeling (ESM) family, which is a family of protein language models (pLMs) that can be used for various protein sequence analysis tasks. FAESM is designed to be more efficient than the official ESM implementation, which can save up to 60% of memory usage and 70% of inference time. The key features of FAESM are:
Install PyTorch 1.12 and above if you haven't: pip install pytorch
[Optional]: Install flash-attn if you want to use the flash attention implementation, which is the fastest and most efficient implementation. However, it can be a bit tricky to install so you can skip this step without any problem. In that case, skip this step and you will use Pytorch SDPA attention.
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
Having trouble installing flash attention but still want to use it? A workaround is docker container. You can use the official nvidia pytorch containers which have all the dependencies for flash attention.
pip install faesm
FAESM is a drop-in replacement for the official ESM implementation. You can use the same code as you would use the official ESM implementation. For example:
import torch
from faesm.esm import FAEsmForMaskedLM
# Step 1: Load the tokenizer and FAESM model
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
model = FAEsmForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("facebook/esm2_t33_650M_UR50D").to(device).eval().to(torch.float16)
# Step 2: Prepare a sample input sequence
sequence = "MAIVMGRWKGAR"
inputs = model.tokenizer(sequence, return_tensors="pt")
inputs = {k: v.to(device) for k, v in inputs.items()}
# Step 3: Run inference with the FAESM model
outputs = model(**inputs)
# Step 4: Process and print the output logits and repr.
print("Logits shape:", outputs['logits'].shape) # (batch_size, sequence_length, num_tokens)
print("Repr shape:", outputs['last_hidden_state'].shape) # (batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)
# Step 5: start the repo if the code works for u!
Working on an example training script for MLM training on Uniref50. For now, you can use the same training logic as how you would train the official ESM since the FAESM has no difference in the model architecture. It's recommended to use the flash attention for training. Because in the forward pass, it unpads the input sequences to remove all the padding tokens, which 1) speeds up the training & reduces the memory usage and 2) it doesn't require batching sequences of similar length to avoid padding. Also, SDPA is still a good alternative if you can't install flash attention.
Below we benchmark the peak memory usage and inference time of FAESM with the official ESM2 and show that FAESM can save the memory usage up to 60% and inference time up to 70% (length 1000). The benchmarking is done on ESM-650M with batch size 8, and a single A100 with 80GB of memory.
You can reproduce the benchmarking by running the following command:
pytest tests/benchmark.py
To test errors between FAESM and the official ESM2 implementation, you can run:
pytest tests/test_compare_esm.py
This project started as a mutual disappointment with Alex Tong(@atong01) about why there is no efficient implementation of ESM (wasted a lot compute in training pLMs :(. He later helped me debugged the precision errors in my implementation and organize this repo. In the process, I talked @MuhammedHasan regarding his ESM-efficent implementation (see the issues 1 and 2), and also Tri Tao about flash attention (see the issue). Of course shoutout to the ESM teams for creating the ESM family. None of the pieces of code would be possible without their help.
Please cite this repo if you use it in your work.
author = {Fred Zhangzhi Peng,Pranam Chatterjee, and contributors},
title = {FAESM: An efficient PyTorch implementation of Evolutionary Scale Modeling (ESM)},
year = {2024},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/pengzhangzhi/faesm}},
note = {Efficient PyTorch implementation of ESM with FlashAttention and Scalar Dot-Product Attention (SDPA)},
abstract = {FAESM is a drop-in replacement for the official ESM implementation, designed to save up to 60% memory usage and 70% inference time, while maintaining compatibility with the ESM API.},