rameloni / tywaves-chisel-demo

A repository that implements Tywaves: enabling a type-based waveform debugging for Chisel and Tydi-Chisel. Mapping from Chisel level code to values dumped by simulators is now possible thanks to Tywaves!
Apache License 2.0
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chisel chisel3 circt mlir simulator vcd waveform waveform-viewer waveform-visualizer

Tywaves project: a type based waveform viewer for Chisel and Tydi-Chisel

This repository contains a summary of the Tywaves project and an API to easily use it for testing a Chisel project. Tywaves consists of implementing a new type based waveform viewer for Chisel and Tydi-Chisel circuits.

The full project aims to successfully display waveforms of a Chisel circuit while maintaining the source code structure, constructs, hierarchies and source language type information (the Scala data type and constructor parameters) of signals and modules.

To achieve this goal, the project:

  1. collects high-level debug information (DI) of a circuit;
  2. elaborates the DI in order to associate it with the values in a trace from a simulator, in other words an association with the signals and modules output of a chisel-CIRCT compilation;
  3. emits a well-defined file format that a viewer can read together with a trace file to properly display the waveforms;
  4. makes everything compatible and portable with the new ChiselSim.

Tywaves project

If you are interested in using the tool and have any feedback on its implementation, 
please open an issue or contact me.

Internal functionality

The internal structure of the Tywaves project, how it works and details about the work done can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/rameloni/tywaves-chisel-demo/wiki) pages.

Note: The Tywaves project is currently under development. For now, the new functionality in chisel, firtool and surfer is available in my forks of the repositories. Pull-requests have been issued to the official repositories This would allow the Tywaves project to have a better integration and availability directly in the official releases.

Table of contents

Getting started


The full project depends on the following tools. To install them, please check the links below:


The Makefile contains all the necessary commands to install the tools and the Tywaves-Chisel-API library.

You can run make all to install everything in one go, or you can install the components separately.

Install surfer-tywaves

To install the latest release of the fork:

make install-surfer-tywaves
make clean # Delete the cloned repository

or install the development version:

make install-surfer-tywaves-dev
make clean

Download and install the forks of Chisel and Firtool

make install-chisel-fork
make install-firtool-fork-bin # Download the Linux precompiled version (too long to compile)

If you want to compile the firtool from source, you can check the instructions, once cloned the correct version.

Install and publish locally this library: Tywaves-Chisel-API

git checkout <your-release>
make install-tywaves-chisel-api

Once published locally, you can use it in your project by adding the following line to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.rameloni" %% "tywaves-chisel-api" % "your-version-here"

Usage in a project through the Tywaves-Chisel-API

The Tywaves-Chisel-API is a library that allows to easily enable the Tywaves in a Chisel project. It provides 2 high-level simulators with functionalities to simulate a circuit through svsim, emit VCD traces and generate a symbol table for the surfer-tywaves waveform viewer itself automatically:

Their usage is very similar to ChiselTest and EphemeralSimulator since they both implement the PeekPokeAPI, but they use the new official ChiselSim, and they offer additional features compared to EphemeralSimulator. A simulation can be run as follows:

// Import the simulator

import tywaves.simulator.simulatorSettings._
import tywaves.simulator.ParametricSimulator._
//import tywaves.simulator.TywavesSimulator._

  new DUT(), // The module to simulate
  settings = Seq(/* List of simulator settings */),
  simName = "Name_of_the_simulation", // used to name the directory in test_run_dir
) {
  dut => // Body of the simulation using the PeekPokeAPI

List of available settings of the simulators

A simulation can be customized by passing some settings to the simulator. The following options can be specified for ParametricSimulator and / or TywavesSimulator classes using the following syntax:

Setting Description Simulator
VcdTrace Enable the VCD output optimizing out signals starting with an underscore (_) in the final verilog ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
VcdTraceWithUnderscore Enable the VCD output (including "underscored" signals) ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
SaveWorkdir Save the workdir of svsim ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
SaveWorkdirFile(name: String) Save the workdir with a specific name ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
NameTrace(name: String) Give a name to the VCD trace ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
WithFirtoolArgs(args: Seq[String]) Pass arguments to firtool under the simulation TywavesSimulator
WithTywavesWaveforms(runWaves: Boolean) Enable the generation of extra debug information (to fully exploit the tywaves project) and (optionally runWaves=true) launch the waveform viewer directly once the simulation has been completed ParametricSimulator and TywavesSimulator
WithTywavesWaveformsGo(runWaves: Boolean) Same as WithTywavesWaveforms but without blocking sbt if runWaves is true TywavesSimulator

Note: please open an issue/PR to request new settings.

Run a quick simple example

To run a quick example you can try to run the examples in the examples folder.

cd example
# Run the gcd example
scala-cli test gcd.test.scala

# Run a Tydi-Chisel example
scala-cli test tydi-chisel.test.scala

The following images show the classic and tywaves waveform visualization of the GCD module.

/** A simple module useful for testing Chisel generation and testing */
class GCD extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val a             = Input(UInt(32.W))
    val b             = Input(UInt(32.W))
    val loadValues    = Input(Bool())
    val result        = Output(UInt(32.W))
    val resultIsValid = Output(Bool())

  val x = Reg(UInt(32.W))
  val y = Reg(UInt(32.W))

  when(x > y)(x := x -% y).otherwise(y := y -% x)

  when(io.loadValues) {
    x := io.a
    y := io.b

  io.result := x
  io.resultIsValid := y === 0.U
Only VCD loaded Tywaves
VCD GCD waveform Tywaves GCD waveform

Real use case scenario: debugging ChiselWatt

If you are interested to see Tywaves working in an existing Chisel design, you can refer to this section. This example has been used in the official publication to assess Tywaves.


The following list shows a summary of the features added by the Tywaves project to Chisel/CIRCT and Surfer:

Future work

Versioning and tools (ref)

Use the new name of the library in your sbt dependencies: com.github.rameloni::tywaves-chisel-api:<version>.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always use the latest version of Tywaves

Release Chisel fork version (from rameloni/chisel) Firtool fork version (from rameloni/circt) Tywaves-rs version Surfer-tywaves version
0.4.1-SNAPSHOT v6.4.3-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v0.1.4 v0.1.4 v0.3.2-tywaves-dev-SNAPSHOT
0.4.0-SNAPSHOT v6.4.3-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v0.1.3 v0.1.4 v0.3.2-tywaves-dev-SNAPSHOT
0.3.0-SNAPSHOT v6.4.2-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v0.1.1 v0.1.1 v0.3.0-tywaves-dev-SNAPSHOT

Old backend implementations (ref)

Use the old name of the library in your sbt dependencies: com.github.rameloni::tywaves-demo-backend:<version>.

Release Chisel fork version (from rameloni/chisel) Firtool version (official CIRCT repo) Tywaves-rs version Surfer-tywaves version
0.2.1-SNAPSHOT v6.1.0-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v1.75.0 v0.1.0 v0.2.1-tywaves-dev-SNAPSHOT
0.2.0-SNAPSHOT v6.1.0-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v1.75.0 - v0.2.0-tywaves-dev-SNAPSHOT
0.1.1-SNAPSHOT v6.1.0-tywaves-SNAPSHOT v1.75.0 - [v0.1.1-SNAPSHOT]()
0.1.0-SNAPSHOT v6.1.0 official repo v1.62.0 - [v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT]()


The paper on Tywaves has been submitted for publication NorCAS 2024. It is currently available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10082. If you like Tywaves, you can cite this work using the following BibTex entry:

      title={{Tywaves: A Typed Waveform Viewer for Chisel}}, 
      author={Raffaele Meloni and H. Peter Hofstee and Zaid Al-Ars},
      note={Submitted for publication}

The BibTex entry will be updated when the paper will be officially published.

For more details about the original work and the justification behind design choices, please refer to the respective MSc thesis:

Raffaele Meloni. Tywaves: A Typed Waveform Viewer for Chisel HDL with Typed Circuit Components and Tydi Streams. MSc thesis, TU Delft, Aug. 2024. Available: https://repository.tudelft.nl/record/uuid:829f43e0-1c34-4624-8c33-5182b71bd027.


Tywaves is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE for details.

[^1]: While TywavesSimulator is a central part of the Tywaves project, the ParametricSimulator is able to simulate any Chisel circuit independently from Tywaves. In case you need to simulate a circuit without a "Chisel" representation, you can use ParametricSimulator to emit a VCD trace. If you want to try the functionalities of Tywaves then TywavesSimulator is the right choice.