stefanmeili / FastFD

A library for building finite difference simulations
MIT License
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cupy electromagnetic-simulation engineering-design engineering-tools finite-difference finite-difference-simulations fluid-dynamics heat-transfer mechanical-engineering partial-differential-equations pde pde-solver physics-simulation process-simulation python scipy simulation


A finite differences simulation library.

This package lets you quickly build simple numerical simulations.



pip install fastfd


# Import fastfd and select the scipy sparse library (or cupy for GPU support)
import fastfd as ffd

import numpy as np

# Define axes
x = ffd.LinearAxis('x', start = 0, stop = 1, num = 201)
y = ffd.LinearAxis('y', start = 0, stop = 1, num = 201)

# Define scalars
T = ffd.Scalar('T', [x, y], accuracy = 4)

# Define the model
model = ffd.FDModel([T])

# Set model governing equations (thermal diffusion)
    'Conductivity': ((T.d('x', 2) + T.d('y', 2)), 0),

# Set model boundary conditions
    'Tx=1 adiabatic': (T.i[-1, :], T.d('x')[-1, :], 0),
    'Ty=1 adiabatic': (T.i[:, -1], T.d('y')[:, -1], 0),
    'Tx=0 sinewave': (T.i[0, :], T.i[0, :], 100 * np.sin(x.coords * 2*np.pi)),
    'Ty=0 sinewave': (T.i[:, 0], T.i[:, 0], -100 * np.sin(y.coords * 2*np.pi)),

# Solve the model
result = model.solve()

Model Solution


FastFD can be set to use the Cupyx sparse libraries, though support is still a little rough around the edges. The current version of Cupy (8.5) only supports a least squares solver ('lsqr') which is much slower than the default 'spsolve'. However, spsolve will be implemented in the upcoming release of Cupy 9.0.

Example Notebooks

See example notebooks here: ./docs/examples for a more detailed explanation of how to use.

<img src="./docs/readme/heat_conduction_result.png" alt="Steady state heat conduction" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" width="265"/> <img src="./docs/readme/transient_wave_result.png" alt="Transient 1D wave propagation" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" width="325"/> <img src="./docs/readme/shoreline_waves_result.png" alt="Transient 2D wave propagation" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" width="232"/>