taznux / radiomics-tools

Image processing tools for radiomics analysis
MIT License
24 stars 14 forks source link
dicom feature-extraction nrrd pipeline python radiomics radiomics-analysis radiomics-features ruffus simpleitk

Radiomics tools

Note: Here is a full system for lung cancer screening radiomics. https://github.com/taznux/LungCancerScreeningRadiomics

Image processing tools and ruffus based pipeline for radiomics feature analysis

Super build

Just run super-build.sh


Install software

Python 3.7

Slicer 4.10



1. DICOMTools

  1. DICOMTagReader - Display entire DICOM tags

    DICOMTagReader [DICOM directory]
  2. DICOM2NRRDConverter - DICOM to nrrd (Slicer file format)
    Simple recursive converting for single patient data

    DICOM2NRRDConverter [DICOM directory] [nrrd directory]  

    For large data

    python DICOM2NRRDConverter.py [DICOM directory] [nrrd directory]
  3. DICOM-RT2NRRDConverter - DICOM-RT to nrrd

2. ContourTools

  1. STAPLEComparison - variation comparison on multiple contours
  2. ExtractBoundary
  3. GTVs2ITV
  4. HoleGenerator
  5. ROIGenerator
  6. ROI2BinImage
  7. ROICropImage

3. GrowCutSegmentation

NoduleSegmentation - Segment small nodular objects for solid nodule and GGO

NoduleSegmentation [InputImageFile] [SeedPoint_x] [SeedPoint_y] [SeedPoint_z] \
                   [NoduleSize_long] [NoduleSize_short] [OutputImageFile]  

4. Feature Extraction

FeatureExtraction - Extract image features from the nodule segmentation

FeatureExtraction [InputImage] [LabelImage] [FeatureFile] [Label={1}]

5. Python Tools

  1. metadata.py - for handling metadata in csv or xls
  2. organize_features.py - for collecting feature data into a single csv file

6. MATLAB Tools

  1. NRRD4Matlab - for handing nrrd format in MATLAB
  2. PET2SUV - for converting raw PET image to standardized uptake value(SUV)

7. ETC

  1. RegistrationSITK - simple registration code, required SimpleITK module for python
  2. SlicerPythonExtensions - simple extensions for Slicer
    1. InterpolateROIsEffect.py
    2. LineProfile.py


TBD - modeling code for radiomics features


Radiomics feature extraction pipeline example for LUNGx dataset

  1. Download DICOM images

    Download all DICOM images to 'DATA'
    You can use the included metadata files for LUNGx (TrainingSet.csv and TestSet.csv)

  2. Environmental parameters
    Set your parameters in script/run_lungx.py (recommend default setting).

    experiment_set = 'TrainingSet'  
    # experiment_set = 'TestSet'  
    output_path = 'output'  
    data_path = 'DATA'  
    dicom_path = data_path + '/DOI'  
    image_path = data_path + '/' + experiment_set  
    nodule_info_path = './' + experiment_set + '.csv'  
  3. Run radiomics pipeline

    $ python script/run_lungx.py or script/run_lungx.py
  4. Analysis feature data output files (intermediate images and feature data) will be generated in 'output' directory

    • TrainingSet: feature_list_TrainingSet.csv
    • TestSet: feature_list_TestSet.csv

Wookjin Choi wchoi1022@gmail.com