the-mirror-gdp / the-mirror

The open-source Roblox & UEFN alternative giving you freedom to own what you create. An all-in-one, real-time, collaborative game development platform built on Godot.
1.1k stars 97 forks source link
game-development gaming gdscript godot godot-engine godotengine mit mongodb mongoose multiplayer nestjs no-code open-source redis roblox server uefn unreal visual-scripting visual-scripting-language

Get Started

The easiest way is via our compiled Mirror Official app: Get Started


The docs site (/mirror-docs) is our primary source of truth for documentation, not this README. We intend to keep this README slim since documentation is and will continue to be extensive.


Join the Community

1. Join our Discord

2. Check out our Roadmap

3. Read our docs: Site, monorepo /mirror-docs

4. Check out our open-source announcement post

5. Follow us on X/Twitter

What is The Mirror and why?


Freedom to own: The Mirror is a Roblox & UEFN alternative giving you the freedom to own what you create: an all-in-one game development platform built on Godot.

If you build on others like Roblox, UEFN/Unreal/Fortnite, and Unity, you don't actually own the full stack of what you build because you don't own the engine.

We're here to change that. 3D is arguably the next step of the internet and we can't let it be beholden to an oligopoly of companies that want to own your data and creations. The Mirror gives you the freedom to own what you build.

Akin to "Google Docs for game development", The Mirror is both the editor and the game that let's you build with friends in real-time. This saves you a plethora of time: Enjoy not having to write pesky things like infrastructure, backend HTTP routes, asset management, authentication, netsync, and various systems from scratch.

This repo is The Mirror's source code: the Godot app (client/server), the web server, and the docs in one place. We've included everything we can provide to help you build your games as fast as possible.

Build the Open-Source Code

  1. Git clone the repository (you do not need to clone with submodules; they are optional)
  2. Download the precompiled Mirror fork of Godot engine (required to use)
  1. Open the Godot editor (The Mirror fork), click import, and choose the project.godot from the /mirror-godot-app folder. Note that if you see this popup, you can safely ignore it and proceed.


  1. Close the Godot editor and open it again, to ensure that everything loads correctly, now that all files have been imported.
  2. Hit play in the Godot editor!
  3. Create a new Space, and you will automatically join it. Or, join an existing Space.

Godot Fork

The Mirror is built on a custom fork of Godot and required to use The Mirror's code. The fork is open source and can be found here.

Analytics Disclaimer: We use Posthog and Mixpanel and it automatically collects analytics in the open source repo. You can disable this manually by commenting out the mirror-godot-app/scripts/autoload/analytics/ file methods. We are transitioning from Posthog to Mixpanel and Posthog will be removed in a future release. We will make this easier in the future to disable. The Mirror Megaverse Inc., a US Delaware C Corp, is the data controller of the Posthog and Mixpanel instances. You are free to disable the analytics and even plug in your own Posthog or Mixpanel API keys to capture the analytics yourself for your games!