y9c / pseudoU-BIDseq

πŸ§ͺ New pipeline for detecting pseudouridine modification on RNA (BID-seq, etc)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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epitranscriptome epitranscriptomics modification mrna pseudouridine rna rrna single-base

Docker DOI


Overview of the workflow

How to use it?

A docker image containing the source code and dependencies has been published for reproducibility. You can run it using the apptainer container runtime.

The entire analysis can be completed in just three steps:

  1. Specific the path of references (.fasta) and samples (.fastq) in a configure file (.YAML).

    data.yaml for example(Click to expand) ```yaml reference: contamination: fa: ./ref/contamination.fa genes: fa: ./ref/genes.fa genome: fa: /data/reference/genome/Mus_musculus/GRCm39.fa star: /data/reference/genome/Mus_musculus/star/GRCm39.release108 samples: mESCWT-rep1-input: data: - R1: ./test/IP16.fastq.gz group: mESCWT treated: false mESCWT-rep1-treated: data: - R1: ./test/IP4.fastq.gz group: mESCWT treated: true mESCWT-rep2-treated: data: - R1: ./test/IP5.fastq.gz group: mESCWT treated: true ``` You can copy and edit from this [template](test/data.yaml). _Read the [documentation](https://y9c.github.io/pseudoU-BIDseq/Step-by-step-instruction.html#define-settings-in-the-configure-file) on how to customize._
  2. Run all the analysis by one command:

    apptainer run docker://y9ch/bidseq
    The pipeline will load configure file named `data.yaml` under the current directory.(Click to expand) - Customized configure file with `-c` argument. (default: `data.yaml`) - Customized number of jobs/cores in parallel `-j` argument. (default: `48`)
  3. View the analytics reports and filtered sites.

    3 folders are will be created in the working directory (default: `workspace`).(Click to expand) β”œβ”€β”€ align_bam β”œβ”€β”€ report_reads └── filter_sites - trimming, mapping, and deduping reports are in `report_reads` folder, with key numbers in all the steps reported in one webpage([example](https://y9c.github.io/pseudoU-BIDseq/readsStats)). - filtered sites for Ψ detection are in the `filter_sites` folder. These sites are only passed the _simplest filtering_, you can apply customized thresholds to them based on your data type and quality. - processed mapping results (_.bam_) are in `align_bam` folder. You can zoom into a location that you are interested in IGV.


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