3r4y / imgui-blur-effect

๐Ÿช Simple ImGui DirectX9 Blur Effect Example Project.
MIT License
41 stars 3 forks source link
blur-animation blur-effect blurry-ui cpp directx external gui imgui imgui-animation imgui-blur imgui-blurry imgui-effect imgui-overlay overlay winapi windows

imgui blur effect

๐Ÿช Simple ImGui DirectX9 Blur Effect Example Project.

C++ Windows x64

๐Ÿ“– Overview of the project

Simple Project with Blur effect to external overlay made using DirectX9, ImGui.

This project helps to add blur to the image I use in imgui, it can be used with more components, not just images.

This project was made by making additions on the project I shared before.

๐Ÿ›  Used librairies :

๐Ÿงช How do use this project ?

import bBlur.hpp.

#include "bBlur.hpp"

auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
bBlur->blur_background(draw, DirectX9Interface::pDevice);// IDirect3DDevice9Ex* pDevice

Open your project setting --> Navigate to VC++ Directories --> On the right, select Includepaths --> A new window will open, that lets you new include paths. Add a new include path by hitting the New Row button in the top right --> Now you will have to navigate to your DirectX SDK installation directory and select the Include folder.

๐ŸŽจ Demonstration

no blur :


blur :
