@timadriaens heeft een rariteit (veel te lage aantallen) opgemerkt in de grafieken van de invasieve indicatoren. Vermoedelijk ligt een onvolledige mapping van de planten aan de oorzaak van dit problee…
> I'm thinking about non-native or invasive species data. A plot with invasive (or non-native) species occurrences related to time, space or some oceanographic variables like water temperature could b…
7yl4r updated
2 years ago
Note from Brent@DEC:
> I think the annotation tool is working great for us, the only issue we are finding is that some of the panoramas do not have any of the invasives in them so were wondering if t…
I've pulled the FIAPNW.db (using the manual method mentioned in another thread) and am trying to use the 'invasive' function on a FIA database. I've used the readFIA function to pull the CSVs into the…
@pieterprovoost will look into plotting the globes.
- records
- red list species
- invasives?
Last week, I was able to create a cumulative plot using two of the eight 2008 drivers (```inorganic``` and ```invasives```), as they both had the same size in order to create a summed plot.
Will these be included?
- review what Caroline has sent
- it would be fairly easy to take some content from the Shenandoah paper
- we have some numbers/ graphics on C cycling (e.g., [biomass …
Determine what species should be included as invasives & setup picklist.
e.g. index of habitat integrity (plastic, invasives etc.)
Annie Simpson confirmed as chair.
she will not come to TDWG 2015
Page at http://www.tdwg.org/activities/invasives/
may need to be checked for updates