Hello, I am a beginner with ROS 2 and micro-ROS. Currently, I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ubuntu Mate installed. I needed to install Arduino 1.8.19, which required me to install Teensyduino separatel…
I'm trying to build the Qutee V2 firmware using the guidelines from the software readme.
After building the docker image, I can run it in interactive mode. However, when I try to build with i…
This is my code " https://github.com/flux0-0/test_microros_time/blob/main/main.cpp " . If I upload it to Esp32, I don't see anything printed in the serial. This is my ini file " [env:esp32doit-devkit-…
## Issue template
- Hardware description: ESP32 dev module
- Installation type: Arduino IDE
- Version or commit hash: Humble
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
#### Expected b…
I set up a micro-ROS system on an ESP32 to publish three messages simultaneously in a single timer callback with a 20 ms interval.
Hi Forum,
We have the need of using the dual cores of the RP2040. PlatformIO documentation suggested to add
`board_build.core = earlephilhower
into the platformio.ini but I faced with the fo…
## Issue template
- Hardware description: ESP32
- Installation type: arduino ide
- Version or commit hash: humble
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
#### Expected behavior
I …
## Issue template
- Hardware description: Teensy4.1
- Installation type: Arduino IDE or MCUXpressoIDE
- Version or commit hash: humble or Jazzy
#### Steps to reproduce th…
I want to use Arduino Opta in one of my application, but I'm not getting any clues that it will compatible with Micro ROS or not.
If anyone worked with Arduino Opta, please give some clearity on it.
I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 24.04 with ros2 Jazzy distro. After uploading the firmware I sent this command to start the robot: linorobot2_bringup bringup.launch.py micro_ros_transport:=udp4 micro_…