I have been able to set up the gazebo simulator correctly and the iris drone is well visible. The command `rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD` shows that the mode has changed. The command `rosrun m…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
I created a custom stereo rig and have been trying to get svo running with it. However, when I run my svo launch file the camera feed never starts up and nothing ever happens, no errors are…
I can stream all 9dofs with a generic serial port terminal, but when I use
the python code, it doesn't work.
With a baud rate of 57600, absolutely nothing happens, so I changed the
baud rate…
When I run:
roslaunch geometric_controller sitl_trajectory_track_lamniscate.launch
The multi-rotor drone hadn't taken off yet, but the trajectory set points had already been released, caus…
### Issue details
Hi. I was experimenting with the fake_gps topic that mavros provides. For now, I have disabled the GPS plugin that the iris drone uses. To ensure that fake_gps is working …