Thanks for your great work!
When I run
python src/train.py exp_rlbench_diffusion_policy=base rlbench_task=turn_tap exp_rlbench_diffusion_policy/rlbench_model@rlbench_model=pretrained_multimae…
I am using [RLbench's prediction script](https://github.com/Dantong88/LLARVA/blob/main/docs/Vision-Action_Instruction_Tuning.md#inference), and the [weight](https://github.com/Dantong88/LLARVA/blob/ma…
Hi,Thank you very much for your work!
While replicating the experiments, I encountered an issue related to the Blosc buffer when decompressing data. The error message I received is as follows: blos…
(rvt) root@dfa9a66f8a08:/RVT/rvt# python train.py --exp_cfg_path configs/rvt2.yaml --mvt_cfg_path mvt/configs/rvt2.yaml --device 0
bin /miniconda3/envs/rvt/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bitsandbytes/li…
Thanks a lot to the author for this wonderful work.
In order to better understand its contribution, I try to train the ACT model with original codebase and collected data. However, I notice that ther…
When I tried to write my own python script to run, like RLBench, I encountered two problems: 1. The photos of the five cameras are all black. 2.When the code was executed to task.reset(), I encounte…
Open_drawer and Put_item_in_drawer appeared (_pickle.UnpicklingError: pickle data was truncated ),can not finish one epoch,other tasks are fine ,so i redownloaded these two train datasets,same issue.
Hi authors,
I am trying to run the evaluation code using your instruction:
`python eval.py rlbench.tasks="[]" rlbench.headless=False method.model_path= framework.logdir=
As my guessing, ``…
Hi there, thanks for the great library :smiley: . I was wondering what would be the steps required for adding support for the latest version of CoppeliaSim for PyRep. There's better URDF support and s…
Could you kindly provide information on the format of the **.dat** files(for example: close_jar+10/ep0.dat) in the RLBench dataset? Additionally, if I were to conduct experiments using real-wo…