Thank you for developing such a promising software for the scientific community.
I tried running Alphalink2 with several datasets, including the rpoa-rpoc dataset used in the bioRxiv manuscript but …
for summarizing query path results during evaluation. For example, annotating pathway figures with terms from the Pathway Ontology will allow BTE users to filter genes by hierarchically-organized path…
**- Describe the feature:**
I haven't found a direct way to do this, but am trying to set certain amino acids to only be searchable with variable mods. For instance looking at methylation on say 3 ly…
## BLAST search
Let's introduce **BLAST** search feature support.
**Displaying BLAST search results for *read*/*feature* sequence**:
- User clicks on *read* (or any other feature) and selects *…
In trying to train ProteinBert, I've received the following error:
indices[31,1] = -127 is not in [0, 290)
[[{{node model/embedding-seq-input/embedding_lookup}}]] [Op:__inference_train_functi…
The VRS 2.0 specification uses a property (`ga4ghDigest.keys`) to indicate keys that are used in creating VRS computed identifiers. This has the same functionality as the SeqCol `inherent` attribute.
I am working with the AminoAcid class (deeprankcore/models/amino_acid.py) because the Residue class (deeprankcore/models/structure.py) requires it, and running into an issue. The common 20 a…
Coronaspades' gene_clusters file are here: `s3://serratus-public/assemblies/dicistro/gene_clusters/`
Other coronaspades files: `s3://serratus-public/assemblies/dicistro/other/`
4921 assemblies mad…
Hi guys, thanks for this great work :)
I see that your fine tuning examples (in the appended notebook) don't have GO annotations to go together
with the amino acids sequences. Can you explain how th…
This function does not attempt to determine which pairs of points from either cloud correspond. Instead, it infers them from the order of the arrays.
I wonder if there exisits methods that determine …