Our forestry scans rarely have .dat data, most of which are common data formats such as pcd. How to use your treeseg to directly split the data collected by pcd format forest radar? Thank you!
**Describe the bug**
I am using PCL 1.9.1 in a project and when I build the project I get:
MacBook-Pro-de-Hector-2:build hectoresteban$ cmake ..
-- Eigen found (include: /usr/local/include…
> Do you run setup? This will take a while. [y/N] y
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
ansible is already the …
Error: 'fspecial' & bwdist for CHM Exercice 2
Hello ,
I am currently experimenting with your work on LIDAR data for an urban planning agency. The tutorial is well done. I finished exercise 1, but I …
Hi @aaguiar96 ,
This issue is just to collect the ideas of what we can do better in the next bag file.
1. longer time (4 or 5 mins)
2. record also joint_states (input for the robot_state_pub…
I think a recent change introduced a seg fault. In switching between an older rtabmap and rtabmap_ros locally and the most recent using apt, the one from apt gives this error:
+ formulate needs if we get in touch with Google
**Depth map prediction from a single image :**
Testing a depth map prediction model from nips 2014 :
- [paper](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/5539-depth-map-prediction-from-a-single-image-using-a-…
Hi :-)
1. I'm using a docker. where can I see the configuration json file?
2. Is that possible to annotate the lidar points while seeing the image?
3. I cannot save the labeling output file. It s…
Hi. I am doing Tutorial 2. But it gives me this error:
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 12267 results.
Error in treeMetrics (line 1276)