Hello! I am trying to optimize humanoid tracking task for real time usage. However ILQG is little hard for some complex tasks.
So far I have implamented offline trajectory MLP NN model with regregre…
If I try to load the model https://github.com/icub-tech-iit/ergocub-gazebo-simulations/blob/1179630a88541479df51ebb108a21865ea251302/models/stickBot/model.urdf
in ``KinDynComputationsParametric`` I h…
Hello. Thanks all the authors for this wonderful work. I'm playing with the HumanoidAMP task. However, I can just train with one single motion file defined in the HumanoidAMP.yaml file (for example, t…
Hello, have you tried to use imitation learning in ML Agent for robot motion control? If you have used it, how did you record the demo data of the robot? After all, it's hard for a robot to use a keyb…
I was running a bunch of examples in humanoids. I noticed that you used `CostModelSum` to describe the walking problem (defined in biped.py) and add different costs, such as a contact model to…
### Godot version
4.0 alpha 16 and also 3.5-stable
### System information
Windows 10 Pro 64-bits, RTX 3080 Ti (516.94)
### Issue description
- Godot does not seem able to seamless loop …
System prompt’s order of instructions:
The order of the system prompt’s parts was determined in a way that ensures efficiency when the data is being processed by the LLM GPT-4o. Most important inst…
The GUI will crash when switching between the humanoid tracking and humanoid walking tasks. Not sure what the fix is yet.
**Note** that the “memo” for this, final week is motivated by the following prompt:
**Imagine 2051.** Use the materials and medium (or media) of your choice to create one modest object that belongs…
Reply with your memo as a Comment. The memo should be responsive to this week's readings from David Wallace-Wells, with 300–500 words + 1 visual element (e.g., figure, image, hand-drawn picture, art, …