is there some thing wrong with the _Mu_new initialize that i found ```Pdf *posterior = filter->PostGet(); posterior->ExpectedValueGet()``` here seem not be zero from the beginning.And found the value…
My devices are MYNTEYED and tx2 .During the process of using VINS-FUSION, I found that when running stereo + IMU, the drift is very powerful. But when running stereo, it is very stable. Would you lik…
Hi. I run the algorithm on ROS2 with my recorded ros bag file from Carla (Velodyne LiDAR.) I have the IMU noise values from the imu_utils package and it seems right. However, to test it on the lio_sam…
Thank you for sharing `ugpm`, I wanted to test it out on data that I have recorded from my `xsens` IMU, I have written a ROS wrapper for `ugpm`, and it worked, however when I run it on my data, I got …
Hello, My sdf file is like this but I can't see the imagesStamped because the image isn't generated topically like other cameras. Can you tell me why? I'm trying to fit this camera on a drone in an ro…
### Background
Hardware: Jetson Orin Nano Devkit 8Gb + Realsense d455
OS: Jetpack 5.1.2 + Isaac VSLAM Docker Image
Launch File:
import launch
from launch_ros.actions import ComposableNodeCon…
Covariance matrices are not specified for IMU, GPS, and maybe some other sensors as well. The problem might be the fact we don't have an API function to get noise for the accelerometer, gyro, and GPS.…
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone has successfully tested the VINS-Mobile/VINS-Mono on offline mobile data. I am looking what steps to follow to get the synchronized imu/images from a mobile devi…
acc var: [0. 0. 0.], norm: 0.0
ang var: [2.22264042e-07 3.78493540e-01 2.42670246e+01], norm: 24.269976085242057
mag var: [74.9536 0. 0. ], norm: 74.9536