I try to run 2D and 3D simulators but they fail due to a lack of .pkl files, e.g. X.pkl, U.pkl, animate_U_x.pkl...
My error occurred inside the database_v1.pkl file. How should I resolve this…
# context
Hi all, first time submitting a bug report ever. Here's the info:
- What are you trying to achieve?
- Implement a way for pkl to retrieve configuration values from AWS SSM Parameter…
作者您好,非常感谢您的优秀工作。最近我在尝试使用自己的跟踪数据集来训练deepac,但是遇到了以下已个问题:1. maximum_body_diameter这个参数我在您其他issues里的回答里理解的是模型的最大尺寸值,拿cat来说,您的obj模型我打开看了是max直径是128m,但是您在MyModel.yaml里给是的0.3,所以想问下,这个0.3是如何确定的,还是说它只是一个实例值,实际要填…
I'm interested in the dose model and want to run on my laptop. But I can not download the cache_directories.zip and the weighting_factor_DF_full_map_39kft.pkl in the dir of notebooks_and_data_and_fig…
Hello, I was wondering what script was used to create the metadata `.pkl` files as I haven't been able to find it anywhere in the provided code. I was hoping that you could send me the script you used…
/root/liuwenjie/StateTransformer/generation.py --num_proc 1 --sample_interval 100 --dataset_name mini_pkl --starting_file_num 0 --ending_file_num 1 --cache_folder /root/liuwenjie/StateTransformer…
The Renderer.py is Error,when load open('assets/FLAME_masks/FLAME_masks.pkl', 'rb'),
flame_masks = p…
HI, sghr seems only provides
├── 3dmatch/
├── 3dmatch_train/
├── eth/
├── scannet/
and there seems lack of the data file
├── train/
├── val/
├── 3dmatch.pkl
├── eth.pkl
├── scannet.pkl
Results.pkl in Test_1 and Test_2 directories should store the original tabular data, the generated image data, and the names of samples. It does not display all these files when pickle.load() is execu…