ImportError: cannot import name 'run_find_by_type' from 'seqspec.seqspec_find' (/uoa/scratch/users/s14dw4/.conda/envs/cellatlas_fork/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seqspec/seqspec_find.py)
I'm trying to combine my TACO output and TD output within this command but it returns error:
`$TD_PATH/util/cdna_alignment_orf_to_genome_orf.pl longest_orfs.cds.transdecoder.gff3 ../TACO/out…
#### Issue description
There is Order-Dependent flakiness in this testing code. The test will fail on the exact 36th run on a continual run.
#### Steps to reproduce the issue
1. run pytest…
Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in oligoR1: darkreaction
Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in oligoR2: darkreaction
Chemistry(darkreaction) determined in cDNAR1 : darkreaction
2024-11-07 00:0…
In my use I add a FASTA asset (a secondary one) like:
refgenie build homo_sapiens--GRCh38/fasta:cdna_ensembl95 --files fasta=Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.95.fa.gz
That works:
I'm trying to use STARsolo to analyze novel scRNAseq data using techniques such as scFAST-seq or snRandom-seq. The principle is basically the same, using random primers to capture single cells. Its pa…
My libraries were build using the 10X Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3ʹ Reagent Kits v3.1.
My Read 1 sequence looks like this:
@A00738:420:HY77NDSX3:3:1101:1217:1000 1:N:0:CGGAACCCAA+TCCTCGAATC
As part of #2046 we are moving from ``Seq`` objects having an alphabet object from ``Bio.Alphabets``, to recording the molecule type in the ``SeqRecord`` annotations instead. Currently this recycles t…
I am getting an error when converting the `graphmap2` (v 0.6.0) generated sam file (of nanopore cDNA reads mapped to a reference assembly) to bam.
These are the logs of the run:
> [22:32:…
when using Pizzly 0.37.3 (SeqAn 2.2.0) and Kallisto 0.43.1 with Ensembl 81 and one gets this error message from Pizzly:
Error, could not find any transcript sequences check that the i…