@rsasaki0109 Hi Sir. I am Working on this repo and it is working perfectly. I have a doubt, does this repo supports ouster internal IMU. Can you please clarify me. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I've been trying to make this work with a Bosch BNO055 chip until now, but recently I managed to get a Microstrain 3DM-GX5-25, like @TixiaoShan is using, but after switching to it and changing the…
作者您好,我在使用您提供的ff_lins_r3live.yaml并使用 R3LIVE Campus Dataset中的hku_main_building.bag测试本算法时发现程序出现如下报错,此外,我测试您自测的数据集时(park.bag)程序可以正常运行。
W0617 21:47:51.779225 27323 [residual_block.cc:127](http://residua…
I don't understand why `p0_dot = R_Gto0.transpose() * v_hat;` but not `p0_dot = R_Gto0 * v_hat;`
// k1 ================
Vector4d dq_0 = {0, 0, 0, 1};
Vector4d q0_dot = 0.5 * Omega(w_ha…
I got a Sophus error in witch I got nan values in a quaternion on a run that crash it.
I search in the issues here to see if it was a reccurent problem and I found out it was (in #439 and #451 at lea…
Hi @TixiaoShan
I have been trying your LIO-SAM on gazebo with the velodyne gazebo. But i got the following warning.
![Screenshot from 2020-10-21 17-25-18](https://user-images.githubusercontent.…
Hey there!
I have been trying to set up SuMa on my workstation with VNC. The building runs without any problems, see here:
Command: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOPENGL_VERSION=450 -DENA…
Hi @TixiaoShan,
Thanks for sharing your excellent work.
1. I am testing the lio-sam system but I got a warning for "Large velocity, reset IMU-preintegration!". And the trajectory result is very bad.…
在铁轨火车运行,柴油机震动较大,收集的livox horizon数据集一运行程序就died,也按照要求imu修改成front 、right、down,在fusion.cc如下
// IMU measurements, Front-Right-Down
imu_.dtheta[0] = imumsg->angular_velocity.x * imu_.dt;
Hello TixiaoShan, I am trying to run LIOSAM using an Ouster 64 LiDAR and Xsens MTi 670G 9-axis IMU on ROS2 Foxy. I used the bluespace_ai repo for the imu and the ouster_ros drivers provided by ouste…