### System information
- **OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 18.04)**:
- **Apollo installed from (source)**:
- **Apollo version (5.0)**:
Hi All,
I am trying to test the MSF l…
When I use the msf_simple_map_creator.sh to create a local map , the script will hang on "lossless_map_creator" ---- dont crach dont exit ,cant goto the next dir. just in the middle of a bundle of di…
Hello there,
I run LG simulator and Apollo 5.0 on two machines, everything seems fine but the vehicle doesn't recongnize the traffic lights and stops whenever it runs into an intersection, it shows …
Description: take over and integrate novatel driver into CRP (as subrepo), publish ego odometry topic.
- subrepo added
- add launch file to publish the right topic
- test with docker (measurement…
I was comparing track angle from bestvel and inspvax and got the following result. Is there a specific reason driver uses track angle from bestvel instead of inspvax? I was curious about it since trac…
I wasn't able to run MSF localization with my particular setup. I recorded my own pointcloud data from LGSVL and created an MSF map using the `msf_simple_map_creator.sh` script. However, I'm ge…
I'm trying to build cfs for Raspberry Pi using cross-compiler in Ubuntu 18.04. I installed gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf and g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf, setup cmake toolchain file as follows:
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## In what…
So i recently got into dockers and bag-files because of my work. We were looking for a way to store Bag files and this system was very promissing. But i ran into the Problem that i can't get Scripts t…