**Please complete the following information:**
- OS and Version: [Ubuntu 20.04]
- ROS Version: [noetic]
- Built from Source or Downloaded from Official Repository:[Official Repository]
- Versi…
I am trying to set-up ct_icp and give it an initial run on the KITTI odometry dataset. I have downloaded it from the official kitti source and converted the .bin velodyne files to .ply and s…
I'm Yoshua, robotics engineer working in Zürich, Switzerland but originally from Venezuela. Nice to meet you!
I'm interested in the work you're doing. I've been doing research on LiDAR SLAM a…
@dimatura@evenator @laboshinl @facontidavide
I run the loam_velodyne according to the…
I'm sorry to ask this seemingly simple question. But I haven't found a solution for a long time.
I can run your bag file properly and save the map. However, when I wanted to build a map with my own …
Dear Hector Team,
I have a question concerning your mapping package.
First of all I am using Ros Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04.03 and
a Velodyne Lidar (VLP16 Hires).
Before I run your package I start …
Successfully run the launch file (loam_velodyne.launch), but once I play the bag of VLP16, error below occurs. What does this error means and how to solve it?
[multiScanRegistration-2] process has d…
Thank you for excellent work. However, I am confused about some details of calibration and there is my question as follows.
1. I followed the instructions and experiment failed (detection fails). D…
Hello everyone:
I met some problem at step "Running" and I need your help.
After building with catkin, I found that I cannot download the velodyne data from "VLP16 rosbag"(Because the page does not …
Do you have any idea why my liadar scan (Velodyne 32) is look like this?
I am using ROS2, GPU Nvidia A3000, CPU 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz × 16
![Screenshot from 2024-0…