examples .
- [ ] http://epigenomics.sdsc.edu:8000/singlecell/websummary/MM_339
Hi ChromHMM community,
I am trying to compare the model learned(15 states) from my data to the 25 state reference model using the command:
java -mx40000M -jar ../Software/ChromHMM/ChromHMM.jar Comp…
may be other 10xATAC?
std::exception::what: Barcode collision for barcodes: GGTACGGG, TGTGCGGG
By default, bcl2fastq allows 1 mismatch in each barcode. Barcodes with t…
Seems that the new version of 10x cellranger (for sc/snRNA) changed the way to display summary page.
Do you have a way to according…
- The first (HCLTAFX2) has samples that are run using exclusively the new dual index system (SI-TT-XX).
For the first run, I think that would be a good test for demultiplexing using the …
* [x] `select * from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where seqinfo_id=2256;` - two copies
* [ ] `select * from singlecell_app_tenxqcinfo where num_fragments=6530765;` - multiple copies
List the ones that not correct here.
Better to list the folder `names/symbolic` (random string) link names here so that I can manually make them correct.