貼吧活動:(請查閱 [SARS-CoV-2 Timeline by 2020.02.21](https://github.com/agorahub/_meta/blob/agoran/theagora/sari/Memorandum_2020-02-21_SARS-CoV-2-Timeline_Nathan.pdf?raw=true), by Nathan :cloud: )
- Colla…
Doing some dogfood testing of Kinetic Merge on its own repository yielded this peculiar (and incorrect) successful merge result:
![Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 13 36 52](https://github.com/sageserpe…
@astrochun review and approve PPPL fixtures in https://pdc-describe-prod.princeton.edu/.
## Acceptance Criteria
- [x] Review PPPL fixtures in PDC Describe
- [ ] Approve PPPL fixtures in PDC De…
- [x] pymc labs blog post https://www.pymc-labs.io/blog-posts/causalpy-a-new-package-for-bayesian-causal-inference-for-quasi-experiments/
- [x] Tweet https://twitter.com/inferencelab/status/159361908…
@MattBlack85 Mattia I'm wandering what is benifits of choosing ArchLinux over Raspberry Pi OS for AstroArch? I tried both, but in my case desktop experiance with Raspberry Pi OS is way better that wit…
### What is the expected enhancement?
Documentation website: https://qiskit-extensions.github.io/quantum-serverless/
Incorporate feedback on documentation:
- **README**
-“Remote e…
I want to help with adding timestamps to videos on [The Julia Programming Language](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IuUwwE2xdjQUT_LMLONoA) channel, so I already read timestamps of some of…
Thank you for the great benchmark. I am using the new gripper robotiq 140 provided in tutorials. I found that when I take a grasp action, the links of the gripper will be separated. I checked the urdf…
Reviewer 2
- [ ] Clarify equivalence of randomized and analytic smoothing
- [ ] Clarify interior point methods warm starting
- [ ] Clarify timestep vs. Anitescu's relaxation
- …
Dear Virtual Labs Team Members,
Could you please resend the invite link for the experiments mentioned below. We couldn't accept them earlier, and the previous link expired. We are ready with the ex…