Hi, I am trying to reproduce the result of apa analysis of nanopore to use for further research.
I am following the pipeline of Simpson_Barton_FPA_NLRs github code.
Now, I have bam file and trying…
I would like to know if the command _nanopolish eventalign_ changes the file size/content of the sequencing_summary file we specify in the command. If so, why? Since we are not writing the out…
# 运行代码
$ source ~/dnbc4tools/dnbc4tools2.1.3/sourceC4.bash
$ genome=~/dnbc4tools/GRCh38_gencode_v44_ref/
$ ~/dnbc4tools/dnbc4tools2.1.3/dnbc4tools rna run --name D2_1 \
> --cDNAfastq1 ./HRR1822706…
Thank you for your efforts.
I recently obtained over 30 NGS data sets that are all closely related to one another. We obtained over 500 contigs for each genome after denovo reference-free assembly.
I ran Genomescope 2.0 on two HiFi datasets for two plant genomes. In both cases I get unexpected results and I am unsure of how to interpret them.
Genome 1:
For first round of integration testing with Kids First, we need the priority 1 fields from sequencing (and maybe 2). These fields include:
### Priority 1
Hi @KamilSJaron,
I appreciate the notes. These are very useful for interpreting the results. I was wondering if you can help me understand how to interpret my plots:
I ran `meryl` to produce th…
@golu099 brought up [GAPPadder](https://github.com/simoncchu/GAPPadder) as a tool to potentially replace [Gap2Seq](https://github.com/rikuu/Gap2Seq) for filling gaps in seq coverage between scaffolded…
It is very useful to know Ori/Ter in draft genomes.
However, is there a way to reorder multiple non-overlapping contigs then, such as from a WGS Illumina sequencing experiment yielding a 30-100 con…
I am trying to assemble the genome of a worm, and I was hoping that minipolish would detect the mitochondrial genome and output it in the gfa file.
I have sequencing one of my worm species a l…