Can we use auxiliary BFs to avoid exponential number of kmers? Can reduced amino acid alphabets help?
I was wondering if it was worth looking at within signature differences to get an idea of the diversity of hashes? i.e using Jaccard, Hammings or Lenvestein metrics.
I need to check my understanding…
Mysteries of kmers: k=21 has divergent pattern from k=31 of the same species.
Using trim-low-abund did not make the pattern disappear, as long as everything ran right. It actually make the values …
Dear community,
I used the KMC to calculate the kmer pairs and use smudgeplot to plot the result. However, I got the error. Did I miss the required input data?
version: Running smudgeplot v0.4.0…
I am trying to use Xenome to filter xenograft mouse reads from graft human reads. I am running into the issue that xenome classify finishes in seconds and returns kilobyte size output files without an…
Hi, I installed tombo v1.5 using `pip install ont-tombo[full]` method and followed the tutorial to call 5mC modifications from direct RNA-seq data.
However, when I ran the `plot most_significant` fun…
Hello Rayan et al,
I want the unitigs induced by a subset of the kmers from a read set. Is there any way to create a file of kmers that you can read into bcalm2, and then compact into unitigs?
I am applying Trinity to 115 pairs of metatranscriptomic data with the command.
Trinity --seqType fq --CPU 20 --min_contig_length 500 --max_memory 70G --output /public/home/trinity_C --mi…
Good Morning
I keep on running into the same issue and I'm not sure what the problem is.
Also, I cant find stdefv/sterr files so Im not sure how to get more info.
my command is:
Trinity -…
Don't change this yet, but the following argument name is confusing. It's an input path to a tsv of normalized kmer counts but is named `norm-output`.