> Hi Sid, thank you for pointing us to these sources!
> I have summarized your points, could you confirm if I understood them correctly?
> - What is less important: **Planning (can …
Thank you for sharing your code.
Is it possible to detail what represent the blue bands ?
Most of the loam tests fail.
For example,
% cd loam
% py.test --target ice40 tests/test_mantle/arith/test_arith.py
Fails on
def __init__(self, *largs, **kwargs):
When I launched the online or offline launch file, the mapping is really slow (not real-time at all). I work on Ubuntu 64bits 14.04 with ROS indigo (i7-2670QM 2.20GHz x 8 core, 16Gb ram, GeForce …
When I test loam_livox in room with MID-40. I found that the new pointclouds cann't stay and just for a moment they disappeared and just leave some sparse white points? the following picture:
yhzhao@yhzhao:~/dataSets/3D$ rosbag play mid100_example.bag --clock
yhzhao@yhzhao:~/3d_lidar_ws$ roslaunch loam_livox rosbag_mid100.launch
... logging to /home/yhzhao/.ros/log/63199d08-7df1-1…
Hello, I am trying to use the given rosbag to recreate the result, I followed the readme, used the command: roslaunch loam_livox rosbag.launch + rosbag play HKU_ZYM.bag, but the process scanRegistrat…
# Papers
- Sapiens: Foundation for Human Vision Models
- 메타에서 나온 Human foundation model ㄷㄷㄷ
- 2D pose estimation, body-part segmentation, depth prediction and normal prediction이 하나의 모델에서 …
Another ClassCastException. Code:
this.box = assetManager.loadModel("assets/models/tiles/box-1.obj");
Material mat1 = assetManager.loadMaterial("assets/materials/tiles/loam/lo…
Terminal says:
[scanRegistration-2] process has died [pid 17156, exit code -11, cmd /home/imcngx/loam2/devel/lib/loam_velodyne/scanRegistration __name:=scanRegistration __log:=/home/imcngx/.ros/log/8…