I had a malformed configuration file, which included more `ops` than `names` in its contents (provided below). As expected, vcfanno failed. The problem is that while it failed, it exited with error co…
Hi Brent,
I am trying to run the latest slivar version: 0.1.1 via a shell script. I am getting below error.
54 samples matched in VCF and PED to be evaluated
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (At…
**Describe the issue**
I am encountering an error during the segmentation step when running PureCN. I can finish running PureCN when using the CNVkit coverage and segmentation files, but when I tried…
bcbio + crg pipeline uses vcfanno config from `~/crg/crg.vcfanno.conf` and `/hpf/largeprojects/ccmbio/naumenko/tools/bcbio/genomes/Hsapiens/GRCh37/config/vcfanno/gemini.conf`
but crg2 has been using …
I wanted to test gnotate not populating the info field with a missing value (-1).
It looks decently straight forward, but since I don't really know nim, can you tell me the command you use to build t…
Greetings. Sorry this is turning into a headache.
I'm trying to install bcbio on a linux cluster. I'm having trouble getting the install working. After some messing around (I didn't realize at f…
It seems like a typo, but having js as an alternative is very interesting.
Hi everyone!
RNA-seq variant calling, last command:
/n/app/bcbio/dev/anaconda/bin/bedtools slop \
-i /n/scratch2/hsph_bioinformatic_core/sn240/atanasova2020/atanasova/work/align/S10/S10_s…