Hi @maickrau,
I'm trying to map Nanopore R10 and Hifi reads to the HPRC graph and its super slow- I'm mapping 1 million reads on 64 threads and it still hasn't finished after 20 hours. Is this what…
We are now working on Nanoseq in a monkey. Human and mouse chromosomes usually start with N. But, in this monkey, some chromosomes start with ATGC. When sequence reads are mapped to the end of such ch…
The usage report printed by "rgi bwt -h" shows the only available options to be for paired end illumina reads.
Is there any flag to feed it single ONT sequenced metagenomic reads?
If you’re using VoiceOver and {{VO + Arrows}} to navigate individual content, the variant selectors in QuickView are read twice. If you pause after, it will also read out what I assume is a string of …
I have Pacbio FLNC reads in fastq format. What options should be specified while running the tool. I was thinking
`--data_type pacbio --fl_data`. Is this correct?
I am using the kraken2 + Bracken technique route. In kraken2's result file ".k2report ", the reads of one species read around 1000, while in bracken's processed ".braken "file, the reads of that speci…
Tracking issue for bounded staleness reads, as outlined in #66020.
The tracking issue is split into [three stages](https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/blob/025c53decd8eb00cb70a1d410692026c9f86…
I wonder if you could let me know what tags the remapped BAM should be equipped with.
I want to customize some parts of the source code so that svviz2 may remap reads with the mappers o…
I am trying to compare the performance of different mappers on long reads and minigraph has unexpectedly low accuracy. I'm mapping 1 million simulated HiFi and R10 reads to the [HPRC](https:…