After the latest update from 0.19 to 0.22 and then to 0.22.1 some users cannot login to our postgres database any more, some can.
This is the error in homeserver.log:
[2017-07-07 22:29:06,1…
I installed octomap using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octomap
then tried to install octovis using:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-octovis
it shows E: unable to locate package
What could b…
It's not open-source and it doesn't work in Linux 64 bits.
Why not refactoring offline editor to be written in Javascript, like Snap is???
But I like Go! :)
https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/commit/e335e24f614d799214ae92d363e919456bbd0cbb のcommit以降、hrpsys自体のbuildは通るのですが、ROS_PACKAGE_PATHにバックスラッシュが紛れ込んで、他のパッケージのbuildが通らなくなっているようです。
Just took an example from [Hashcat issues](https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/issues/489) and threw into dynamic as written:
$ ../run/john -test -form:'dynamic=md5($salt1.sha1($salt2.$pass))'
Since this website is limited to static infrastructure, may I suggest using a password-based encryption algorithm where the secret key of a cipher algorithm is generated directly from the student ID n…
In Z Wave binding version, openHAB sees and reacts to the results of physical button presses on binary switches, both in terms of updating its UI and firing rules. Working example:
Human updated
7 years ago
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_bringup 3dsensor.launch
roslaunch roseus_tutorials checkerboard_detector.launch rect0_size_x:=0.025 rect0_size_y:=0.025 grid0_size_x…
A more properly named issue to continue #49 Error with some ids