Could you please comment: if you have low ratio values (and also low h2 for one of the phenotypes) for two continuous phenotypes (both summary statistics are GC corrected), can the genetic correlation…
The vocabularies for phenotypes should be listed in the [wiki](https://github.com/OHDSI/Covid-19/wiki/Vocabulary-for-phenotypes)
I would like to collect all ways in which diseases and phenotypes can and should be related. It comes up more and more now, and we should decide on a common strategy.
The most general one is `disea…
We need to ensure that all traits (from OBA and/or VT) can be reasoned to be subclasses of UPHENO:0001001. This may require a new subclass axiom.
This may be related to #140 and #142.
As suggeste…
NOTE: A description of adding a module through Composer is available in Installation. This is an alternative, a manual installation.
Manually downloading Tripal Cultivate Phenotypes Module.
Go t…
I don't know how we could do this, but users commonly use the cell phenotype
inviable vegetative cell
when they mean
inviable cell population
This will be confusing for these people because …
I think we need to avoid superclasses that group things like pathogen morphology and host morphology. Although these are related semantically by 'morphology' the are not really biolog…
I have some plots in many trials that have no phenotypes for whatever reason and when I download trial phenotypes those plots are not in the file. These plots should not be filtered out on download …
ch728 updated
3 years ago
Hi Team,
Appreciate if someone can advise me on this issue:
**Previous steps:**
1. SNP and COG association with fixed effects model
**Pyseer having issue:** K-mer association with mixed effec…
SIGNOR is a repository of manually annotated causal relationships between human proteins, chemicals of biological relevance, stimuli and phenotypes. The search field below allows users to access the e…