Notes that will come in handy when trying to use MATLAB, Colab, etc. when pertaining to FBAs and GEMs
The current implementation of stoichiometric consistency
provides a substantial under-estimate of the stoichiome…
Hi, I tried to run fastGapFill with the command "runGapFill_example", and got the following errors:
The following problems have been encountered in the model structure
Freezes XMB issue still present Rebug 4.86.1 LITE – Cobra 8.2 – Toolbox 2.03.04 latest webMAN MOD 1.47.27
_Originally posted by @houcembc in https://github.com/aldostools/webMAN-MOD/issues/166#issu…
Proposed roadmap (from @hariszaf in https://github.com/GeomScale/dingo/pull/18):
- implement approach from [cobra toolbox](https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox/blob/master/src/analysis/multiSpe…
Within part 2 of mgPipe, fastSetupCreator creates a model without the fields "citations" and "comments" which createPersonalizedModel tries to remove, causing an error. I have worked around this by cr…
There are many benefits in having RAVEN functioning as submodule of the [COBRA toolbox](https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox). While RAVEN 2.0 is largely compatible with COBRA through use of the …
Great work, and very much needed 🎉 I was super happy to see this!
I'd be curious to see how the solvers perform if used via other programming languages (e.g. Julia via [Cobrexa](https://github.com…
*Hi everyone, I am trying to create a community model witj Microbiome Modelling Toolbox under COBRA, but I am getting this error all the time I run initMgPipe command. Could you please help me to unde…
*Please include a short description of problem here*
One of our masters students just across this issue when trying to use the latest cobra on windows with matlab.
>> initCobraToolbox