This is important for Cocoapods to work. I was thinking of adding it in as a new tab to the existing preferences system.
If this is something you're open to, you can assign the issue to me and I'll a…
I tried to run this algorithm with **livox mid70** lidar. The error "_Large velocity, reset IMU preintegration!_" appeared, and the trajectory could be seen flying in _rviz_. The parameters related to…
Here, in`globalLocalize.cpp`, it seems that imu preintegration …
imu outputs 400 hertz, OusterOS64 lidar.
Configuration settings:
sensor: ouster # lidar sensor type, either 'velodyne', 'ouster' or 'livox'
N_SCAN: 64 …
I encountered a warning message in my ROS system with the following content:
Large velocity detected, triggering IMU-preintegration reset and unable to build proper map of the enviro…
I have compile `LIO-SAM` for ros noetic and running rosbag file `2011_09_30_drive_0028.bag` the map is incorrect I have swape `extrinsicRot` and `extrinsicRPY` in `config/params.yaml` file
This should allow you to reduce the sample rate (=> better performance) and still get visually good results.
in this line:
Phi_tr.block(3, 0, 3, 3) = -R_3D.transpose() * skew_x(R_3D.transpose() * (new_p - p_3D));
I think `new_p` is equal to `(p_3D + R_3D.transpose()*v*dt)`, then the line come…
Important files that I changed and functions are explained below:
- **estimator_node.cpp**
- This file subscribes to IMU, control input (body thrust) and image messages.
- getMeasurements1():…
We have implemented the ImageProcessor class in #10 and #11. We can make use of this along with GTSAM's IMU Preintegration methods to implement a VIO pipeline.
Reference project: https://github.co…