I am unsing `ros-noetic` and i am having an issue with benchmarking an ur3e. When I start the normal `demo.launch` it goes through `move_group` and works fine, but when I am following the [benchmarkin…
### Expected behavior
With no clear documentation I could find, I expected to be able to write a YAML launch file argument declaration in a way that mirrors Python launch files.
For example, I w…
I am curios if this package is working with URe series real robot. Could you provide guidelines how to run RG2 gripper using your package?
`ros2 launch ur_bringup ur_moveit.launch.py ur_type:=ur3e robot_ip:= rviz:=true`
`LookupError: Could not find the resource 'warehouse_ros_mongo' of type 'packages'`
### Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)
### Used ROS distribution.
### Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
Linux in a virtual machine
### How is the UR ROS2 Dri…
Thanks so much for this image. However, I would like to use it to test the functionality of the UR5e model together with ros. How can I launch your image with the e-series models? In the…
Hi everyone,
I was wondering, have there been some tests of how accurate the results from the ChainIdSolver_RNE are? I tested with a simple inverted pendulum in gazebo. I moved the pendulum with rviz…
The motion polytope and the constrained manipulability poly…
I wanted to create a big pull request, adding solvers for:
- kukakr10r1100sixx
- kukakr120r2500pro
- kukakr1502
- kukakr162
- kukakr3r540
- kukakr5arc
- kukakr6r700sixx
- kukakr6r900sixx
With regards to issue #797, we have reproduced this jointspace jump with KDL kinematics plugin behavior. attached is a video showing the jointspace jump we saw, and the corresponding script that produ…