Hi, does the accuracy of the pose from orb-slam with stereo camera is good enough for dense reconstruction? thanks a lot.
Provided droid.pth file works for mono setup. As mentioned in the paper, DROID-SLAM also can be used with stereo and RGB-D settings. Can you please provide model(.pth) files for stereo and R…
I'm trying to get ORB_Slam3 working on a Raspberry Pi with a Kinect 360 sensor (without ROS).
When I try using this as a location:
I'm wondering if there are any parameters I can tune to improve the feature matching for ORB SLAM 2?
Currently, I've set the number of features detected to 6000 and kept the default thresho…
dicl@ahuo:ORB_SLAM2$ ./Examples/Monocular/mono_kitti Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examp
les/Monocular/KITTI03.yaml /media/dicl/Woko/work_space/KITTI/dataset/sequences/00
ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016…
Am sorry for the basic question can anyone juts tell me what are the units for xyz stored in the keyframe trajectory for monocular camera?
Hi again, I have your code building, and running on windows, with cuda 8 on a GTX 970 card. I am running it on a stereo dataset that gives a frame time of 45ms with original ORBSLAM2 (cpu). using your…
GPS alone for localization won't give great accuracy. Using the raw GPS signals (not just lat, lon; also the raw preprocessed signals) along with IMU (inertial measurement unit) / INS (inertial naviga…
Hi Thien,
we were using the orb slam 3 to map out the surrounding, we have encountered this new problem where, once the orb slam lost it's tracking with it's surrounding, it will start a new map wit…
# Interesting papers
- [Davison 2018 - FutureMapping: The Computational Structure of Spatial AI Systems](https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.11288)
- Imperial College London의 Dyson Robotics Lab 교수님이신 A…