Dear developers,
Thanks for the very nice tool! I have some questions about using HapDup. Could you please give me some hints?
(1) In the readme file, it mentioned that the alignment of reads a…
Hello, I'm using canu 1.8 to correct my Ustilago maydis reads, I'm using oxford nanopore reads. The correction failed and the error message says the following:
-- ERROR: Read coverage (0) i…
Iseez updated
2 years ago
I'd like to add an handlegraph interface to get at the GBWTmetadata, like sample and haplotype. This would be useful for reading gbz/gbwt, but also for going back and forth between other formats. It…
Using a conventional installation (under conda), the first part, getting the code, goes smoothly.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/jts/nanopolish.git
Cloning into 'nanopolish'...
Here is the canu.out info:
-- Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '14.0.2' (from '/cvmfs/soft.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2020/Core/java/14.0.2/bin/java') withou…
I had a question regarding using WhatsHap to phase PacBio Hifi long reads after using both DeepVariant and GATK for the variant calling.
I was making a trial to see if there would be a difference b…
I have two-run with the same _Anopheles stephensi_ sequencing data with canu v2.2 and canu v1.9. I'm wondering is there any way to check which result is better? I suppose the reads from parental …
Hi @arangrhie,
I got `Merqury` to work and obtained fairly good results for my human individuals. However, other than the standard plots how can I get the blob plots showing the "correctness" for t…
There are examples for MAGIC in the article, but I did not find usage in the software.
Can mppr be used in the MAGIC.
“An IBD‑based mixed model approach for QTL mapping in multiparental popula…
I ran hicanu (canu 2.2) in a cluster (USDA ARS ceres) with 67x hifi sequences for a 2.4 gb genome assembly. The command is:
canu -p bct -d canu_default genomeSize=2.4g \