This is a request to update the default meica.libs/tedana.py from the current version included in AFNI (v2.5) to the latest release (v3.1) because of better handling of saving large outputs.
When i…
Using arabidopsis dataset (assembly in `/data/korens/test/mikko_cns/arabidopsis/beta_asm/`, Chromosome 5 is split into two contigs:
utig4-1235 12198278 0 899999 - Chr5 18897674 9056962 9950599 9…
I'm trying to use the SRA Toolkit to download data onto a Google Cloud VM. I created a strong VM (n2-standard-32) and I installed the toolkit with version 2.11.2.
I get the following error: …
I've been running Toil workflows on the NIH Biowulf cluster which runs under the SLURM batch system. The default job status query rate for Toils support of the SLURM batch system is too frequent. Biow…
I am trying to run phylophlan for the first time. I would like to get phylogenetic tree for 2233 metagenomic bins (.fa). I have installed phylophlan along with its dependencies as a conda environment.…
We cannot figure out why we getting the error below about the MEX-file. We installed Subtomogram to run on a linux machine. How do we fix the issue.
Make sure to have both the instructions and an easy way to initialize it since conda cannot be the default python in a biowulf user account.
Failure with previous python script due to file size (max out the df with large FASTQ files) and plotting error due to application from Biowulf. Update to utilize bash to generate barcode counts and R…
There is the annoying bug that, if conda is automatically loaded then NoMachine and some other programs don't work on biowulf. We should document this to avoid headaches and also provide a recommendat…
ChrX in CHM1 is split by a 1.5kb gap spanned by ONT reads. Confirm latest version fixes the gap.