I have been able to get some topics up from mujoco to ros , my question is how do i control robot arm using the mujoco_ros_control package . I will be glad if i get a direction .
Test We use aruco board: we place the ee at the origin of the board; we check the FK (TF) or ee pose to be similar to the one measured by the camera.
### Question
Hello, I was following the tutorial on Orbit about the differential IK controller ([Link](https://isaac-orbit.github.io/orbit/source/tutorials/05_controllers/run_diff_ik.html)). It use…
Get rgb and semantic of cameras in some shape scene, it's ok. But get RGB/semantic of cameras in Franka Panda scene, semantic result is black?
cube scene
Is there any example or tutorial about deploying a trained agent (e.g., BC agent with control mode "pd_ee_delta_pose") on the real-world Franka robot arm?
For the sim2real experiments in the paper, I…
I am working with a Franka Research 3 robot with OS version 5.6.0
I have installed ros2 humble on Ubuntu 22.04:
ros-humble-ackermann-msgs/jammy,now 2.0.2-3jammy.2024…
Hi @mikeferguson,
I am looking to perform hand-eye calibration of a realsense depth camera in my scene (containing a Franka Emika Panda) using this package. I am trying to estimate the transform b…
According to the messages of the `/franka_state_controller/F_ext` topic the force is given with respect to the panda_K frame. Now assume that the robot is positioned such that the z-axis of the K fram…
Hi, I was curious how the Franka Panda generates joint trajectories from desired Cartesian poses.
I noticed https://frankaemika.github.io/libfranka/generate_cartesian_pose_motion_8cpp-example.ht…
I'm a PhD student and I'm trying to use MuJoCo for simulating [object rearrangement tasks](https://github.com/peterdavidfagan/rearrangement_benchmark). I am using these tasks to evaluate differ…