[fluidigm-run.py](https://github.com/h3abionet/TADA/blob/main/bin/fluidigm-run.py) has code for making Fluidigm sample sheets. Maybe add code to make it versatile to include making sample sheet for Pa…
Hi @benjjneb ,
after losing >60% of reads (43M total, Illumina PE 2x300 bp, 18S V4) through filterAndTrim(..., maxEE = 2, truncQ = 2, maxN = 0), we tried two workarounds to be able to keep more:
**Plugin Details**
- Name of tool: Illumina SAV
- Tool homepage: https://github.com/CenterForMedicalGeneticsGhent/MultiQC_SAV
- Tool description: replicates some plots and tables from illumina SA…
If the relatively recent parameter, `MATCH_BARCODES_INLINE`, is set to `true` in the call to `IlluminaBaseCallsToSam`, barcode matching will be done in the course of demultiplexing, eliminating the ne…
I assume something like:
planemo run #workflow/github.com/iwc-workflows/sars-cov-2-pe-illumina-wgs-variant-calling/COVID-19-PE-WGS-ILLUMINA ...
Proposed by @wm75 some time ago.
I am trying to polish a PacBio assembly with illumina reads. After one round of polishing using the pacbio reads, I mapped the illumina reads to the the polished assembly with minimap2 and used t…
Dear lh3,
I am trying to run the command as described in the README to produce the .diploid.fq.gz file. I have the latest (1.2 htslib) samtools/bcftools/vcfutils.pl
samtools mpileup -C 50 -u -f /dat…
I have provided chep_pileup_to_array with a fasta file and a bam file with illumina reads aligned to said genome fasta file. It ran fine as per example in your README and produced chep_3D.txt.…
I have assembled for a genome a "suspected" highly hetrozygous genome using hifi.
The assembled genome size is 8.2G, which gives following BUSCO results.
Could you please help me understand how t…
Source: GEO
label: GSE26367
title: Protein-coding and MicroRNA Biomarkers of Recurrence of Prostate Cancer Following Radical Prostatectomy
accession: GSE26367
year: 2011
pubmed: 21703…