Hi, I am interested in your wonderful work.
When I follow the readme to train the agent with RSL-RL on `Isaac-Reach-PSM-v0`, I get some errors.
I am confused on how to solve the problem.
Hi, thank you for this incredible work!
How can I generate the required .pkl file for PHC from the output .pt file?
I'm trying to apply the resulting motion sequence to physics simulation in IsaacG…
Hi, I want to run ManiSkill on multiple GPUs, but every time I tried, only 'cuda:0' was being used. How can I enable other GPUs?
### Question
I'm trying to deploy unitree-go1-flat policy on real robot but the legs kicked and shaked suddenly and the robot entered power protection.
### Deployment Details
I noticed that t…
During run dexgrasp_ Generation, an error occurred while training GrassIPDF: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/DFCData/poses/core/browl-530c2d8f55f9e9e8ce364511e87f52b0';Fi…
Thank you for your work. I have been trying to deploy your policy on a unitree A1 robot but it doesnt work. I have followed all your instruction as specified on your page. I editted the Lcm_position.c…
Hi @kellyguo11
Parallelization through the camera is a great new feature. While testing the cartpole in Isaac Sim 2023.1, following is the warning that comes up and the app never launches. I tried w…
Hi, when run bash script/run_train_ppo_state.sh
Importing module 'gym_38' (/home/XXX/Downloads/Dexgrasp/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/gym_38.so)
Setting …
I am trying to use a Lidar sensor in my task. Oddly when I use the import in a small test code like the following, it works just fine.
import os
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp…