1.The model can predict the maximum and minimum depth values of the image, max_depth, min_depth?
2.During the evaluation phase, the maximum and minimum depth masks for the SUNRGBD dataset,max_depth_e…
I modified `projects/configs/denoise/petrv2_vovnet_gridmask_p4_800x320_dn.py` to generate a config file using ResNet-50DCN as backbone. After training, I got a lower performance compared to the paper:…
Thanks for your excellent work!
I noticed that you have processed the annotation for SUN RGB-D to coco format, could you please tell me your data processing method and the basis of splits.
hello,I have generate the .obj ,but,when i open it with meshlab .It shows like the pic…
I get some trouble when reproducing the results on the SUN RGB-Ddataset. When I train FCAF3D with the following command for 3 times:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5,6 bash tools/dist_train.sh configs/fca…
Hi, since there are plenty of models working with transformer-based head, BEVFormer, PolarFormer, PETR, I wonder if you have tried a transformer-based head? I tried one with a swin-T backbone and init…
There is a problem with the visualization, it seems to be related to the rotation angle
mmdetection3d = mmdetection3d-1.0.0rc1
python demo/pcd_demo.py ./data/sunrgbd/points/000015.bin configs/vo…
SUNRGBD dataset can't be processed correctly using the matlab script.
When preparing SUNRGBD dataset, after running `matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'extract_split;quit;'`, there is nothing generate…
SUNRGBD dataset can't be preprocessed correctly using the matlab script.
When preparing SUNRGBD dataset, after running `matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r 'extract_split;quit;'`, there is nothing gener…