Good day,
I am receiving an error when running 'make test.' I have all of the dependencies and it seems as though all the submodules compiled successfully.
Here's the info that I deem relevant to de…
/bin/sh: line 1: 24546 Done echo cigar: channel_439_read_57 0 1122 + DNA_CS 0 3
559 + 1 D 1838 I 1 M 7 D 1 M 3 I 2 M 6 D 1 M 13 I 1 M 2 I 1 M 7 I 1 M …
I'm running hal2assemblyHub.py from my own jobTree script. I'm feeding it some `--bedDirs`, some of which contain only a single empty bed file. I suspect that this is confusing the field counting logi…
Hi Benedict,
I got some error messages when I ran "make test"
Starting to create the job tree setup for the first time
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/projects/gec/tool/assemblathon…
I'm having trouble making an assembly hub with the files in http://hgwdev.soe.ucsc.edu/~anovak/halIssues/segfault.tar.gz
When trying to make an assembly hub with a particular bed file, hal2assemblyHu…
When running the progessiveCactus aligner,
bin/runProgressiveCactus.sh examples/drosophila_2R.txt ./2R ./2R/b00.hal
no .hal file is created in the 2R folder. This is what results at the end of the …
Please fix kthnxbye.
The .maf files that are being produced have the same source for each sequence that is being aligned, even when the headers of the sequences are distinct from one another.
The output for cactus.log i…
When running the aligner on full genomes, this message appears in the .out file. Also, when creating the work directory, "b00.hal:" is created rather than "b00.hal" The example files worked fine, but …