Dear Eager developer,
I found an error on converting vcf file from GATK ug with vcf2geome.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3280
at VCF2Genome.runUGAnalysis…
Especially for ISA projects, the work folder will get large soon and clutter the nf-cloud. It may be possible to prevent this?
### Description of the bug
I encountered this error using DCC.
### Command used and terminal output
nextflow pull nf-core/circrna
nextflow run nf-core/circrna \
-r dev \
kniec updated
4 years ago
### Description of feature
At least for v2.7.1, the output reports created by `cellranger multi` are not included in the final MultiQC report.
My command:
nextflow run main.nf \
When I tried to rerun your code in bash,
`nextflow run dummydataset.nf --epoch 10 -c nextflow.config -resume`
It fails the nextflow.config due to unknown config attribute `PYTHONPATH`
### Operating System
Windows 10
### Other Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa)
### Workflow Version
### Workflow Execution
EPI2ME Desktop (Local)
### Other workflow execution
Ternary operators should be explained more fully if the term is to be used.
I'm not clear on how a tuple is defined here.
It's introduced as "a grouping of data, represented as a Groovy List" - could it be called a list?
The Nextflow docs really only talk about tupl…
Execution fails as the `execute` script that is the docker command is not being written