I tried to build with ros, The following is the result of running in the terminal
~/catkin_ws/scripts > rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Stereo ~/catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM3/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ~/catkin_ws/sr…
Hi Luigi,
I followed the Mac installation steps on Big Sur 11.2.3 with `install_all_mac_venv.sh` and everything went okay except for third party `orbslam2_features`. The following message comes up:…
## 🚀 Feature
Deep learning-based VO
## Motivation
DeepVO has surpassed orbslam2 by a large margin
training in an unsupervised way, without mapping, no imu need for small region
## Pitch…
Hey guys I have some data where I have RGBD data along with IMU measurements.
I was wondering if any feasibility issue will arise if I try to merge TUM RGDB system with EUROC stereo-imu such that …
while executing the launch file: roslaunch robot_description single_house.launch
I get the following error.
Depth Threshold (Close/Far Points): 5.99522
Enable localization only: false
_Hi, thanks a lot for providing such a useful tool.
I already `source devel/setup.bash.` And changed the bag path in cow_and_lady_dataset.launch file.
Use `rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0…
i'm trying to install
orb_slam2_cg on fresh Ubuntu
and i have this error
ai@ai:~/orb_slam2_cg/platforms/ros_wrapper$ catkin_make -j1
Base path: /home/ai/orb_slam2_cg/platforms/ros_wrapper
Hi, I've successfully built ORB-SLAM2, but when I try to see if everything works when I try to import orbslam2, the following error occurs:
>>> import orbslam2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Is it possible to update the Dockerfile to have the SLAM agent running? The install scri…